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Dependency Injection for ILIAS

This namespace provides a Dependency Injection Container (DIC) for ILIAS, which is a small adjustment of the Pimple DIC to fit ILIAS.

As a first step to the introduction of Dependency Injection the Jour Fixe deprecated all globals besides the $DIC global on 2015-08-03 based on a proposal of the SIG Refactoring starting with the development of ILIAS 5.2. The first step to get rid of globals will be the move to a global registry provided via pimple. A script that helps you to move your component to the global registry pattern is provided here.


The container can be accessed via the global $DIC. It provides an array access interface, i.e. it can basically be used like the $GLOBALS-array.

The standard pimple interface is enhanced with explicit methods to get the most common ILIAS services to help IDEs detect the types of services retreived from the container.

// retrieve the last global we'll ever need
global $DIC;

// get some handy ilias services via the special methods...
$ilDB = $DIC->db();
$ilCtrl = $DIC->ctrl();
$ilUser = $DIC->user();
$tree = $DIC->tree();
$lng = $DIC->language();
$ilAccess = $DIC->access();
$ilTabs = $DIC->tabs();
$ilToolbar = $DIC->toolbar();

// ... which are namespaced for rbac ...
$ilRbacSystem = $DIC->rbac()->system();
$ilRbacAdmin = $DIC->rbac()->admin();
$ilRbacReview = $DIC->rbac()->review();

// ... and loggers.
$root_logger = $DIC->logger()->root();
$grp_logger = $DIC->logger()->grp();
$crs_logger = $DIC->logger()->crs();
$tree = $DIC->logger()->tree();
// ... and similarly for other components that provide logging

// Use the array access for other globals:
$objDefinition = $DIC["objDefinition"];