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1116 lines (1116 loc) · 95.2 KB
1 | clean_text |
2 | ['hey', 'glad', 'u', 'r', 'better', 'hear', 'u', 'treated', 'urself', 'digi', 'cam', 'good', 'r', '9pm', 'fab', 'new', 'year', 'c', 'u', 'coupla', 'wks'] |
3 | ['finished', 'work', 'yet', ''] |
4 | ['next', 'amazing', 'xxx', 'picsfree1', 'video', 'sent', 'enjoy', 'one', 'vid', 'enough', '2day', 'text', 'back', 'keyword', 'picsfree1', 'get', 'next', 'video'] |
5 | ['time', 'want', 'come'] |
6 | ['alright', 'ill', 'make', 'sure', 'car', 'back', 'tonight'] |
7 | ['purity', 'friendship', 'two', 'smiling', 'reading', 'forwarded', 'messageits', 'smiling', 'seeing', 'name', 'gud', 'evng'] |
8 | ['emigrated', 'something', 'ok', 'maybe', '530', 'bit', 'hopeful'] |
9 | ['dear', 'chechi', 'talk'] |
10 | ['ur', 'cashbalance', 'currently', '500', 'pounds', 'maximize', 'ur', 'cashin', 'send', 'collect', '83600', '150pmsg', 'cc', '08718720201', 'po', 'box', '11414', 'tcrw1'] |
11 | ['natalie', '20f', 'inviting', 'friend', 'reply', 'yes165', 'no165', 'see', 'wwwsmsacunatalie2k9', 'stop', 'send', 'stop', 'frnd', '62468'] |
12 | ['sent', 'lanre', 'fakeyes', 'eckankar', 'details', 'mail', 'box'] |
13 | ['msgs', 'r', 'time', 'passthey', 'silently', 'say', 'thinking', 'u', 'right', 'also', 'making', 'u', 'think', 'least', '4', 'moment', 'gd', 'ntswt', 'drms', 'shesil'] |
14 | ['come', 'get', 'b', 'quite', 'diff', 'guess', 'rite'] |
15 | ['jus', 'came', 'back', 'fr', 'lunch', 'wif', 'sis', 'u', 'leh'] |
16 | ['jos', 'ask', 'u', 'wana', 'meet'] |
17 | ['din', 'tell', 'u', 'jus', '420'] |
18 | ['ok', 'im', 'waliking', 'ard', 'u', 'wan', '2', 'buy', 'anything', 'go', 'ur', 'house'] |
19 | ['sir', 'send', 'group', 'mail', 'check'] |
20 | ['yeah', 'hopefully', 'tyler', 'cant', 'could', 'maybe', 'ask', 'around', 'bit'] |
21 | ['jay', 'told', 'already'] |
22 | ['great', 'p', 'diddy', 'neighbor', 'comes', 'toothpaste', 'every', 'morning'] |
23 | ['ok', 'ill', 'tell', 'company'] |
24 | ['fri', 'ah', 'okie', 'lorgoin', '4', 'drivin', 'den', 'go', 'shoppin', 'tt'] |
25 | ['aiyo', 'cos', 'sms', 'ü', 'ü', 'neva', 'reply', 'wait', '4', 'ü', 'reply', 'lar', 'tot', 'ü', 'havent', 'finish', 'ur', 'lab', 'wat'] |
26 | ['2', 'laptop', 'noe', 'infra', 'slow', 'lar', 'wan', 'fast', 'one'] |
27 | ['apps', 'class', 'varaya', 'elaya'] |
28 | ['hows', 'pain', 'deary', 'r', 'u', 'smiling'] |
29 | ['first', 'gained', 'ltgt', 'kg', 'since', 'took', 'second', 'done', 'blood', 'sugar', 'tests', 'ok', 'blood', 'pressure', 'within', 'normal', 'limits', 'worries'] |
30 | ['completed', 'degree', 'use', 'joining', 'finance'] |
31 | ['aight', 'let', 'know', 'youre', 'gonna', 'around', 'usf'] |
32 | ['carlos', 'pick', 'ill', 'swing', 'usf', 'little', 'bit'] |
33 | ['double', 'mins', 'txts', '4', '6months', 'free', 'bluetooth', 'orange', 'available', 'sony', 'nokia', 'motorola', 'phones', 'call', 'mobileupd8', '08000839402', 'call2optoutn9dx'] |
34 | ['aight', 'well', 'keep', 'informed'] |
35 | ['married', 'local', 'women', 'looking', 'discreet', 'action', '5', 'real', 'matches', 'instantly', 'phone', 'text', 'match', '69969', 'msg', 'cost', '150p', '2', 'stop', 'txt', 'stop', 'bcmsfwc1n3xx'] |
36 | ['valentines', 'day', 'special', 'win', '1000', 'quiz', 'take', 'partner', 'trip', 'lifetime', 'send', 'go', '83600', '150pmsg', 'rcvd', 'custcare08718720201'] |
37 | ['nothing', 'u', 'dinner', 'w', 'us'] |
38 | ['storming', 'msg', 'wen', 'u', 'lift', 'phne', 'u', 'say', 'hello', 'u', 'knw', 'wt', 'real', 'meaning', 'hello', 'name', 'girl', 'yes', 'u', 'knw', 'dat', 'girl', 'margaret', 'hello', 'girlfrnd', 'f', 'grahmbell', 'invnted', 'telphone', 'moralone', '4get', 'name', 'person', 'bt', 'girlfrnd', 'g', 'n', 'g', 'h', ''] |
39 | ['wish', 'things', 'different', 'wonder', 'able', 'show', 'much', 'value', 'pls', 'continue', 'brisk', 'walks', 'drugs', 'without', 'askin', 'please', 'find', 'things', 'laugh', 'love', 'dearly'] |
40 | ['sms', 'services', 'inclusive', 'text', 'credits', 'pls', 'gotto', 'wwwcomuknet', 'login', '3qxj9', 'unsubscribe', 'stop', 'extra', 'charge', 'help', '08702840625', 'comuk220cm2', '9ae'] |
41 | ['dont', 'know', 'shes', 'getting', 'messages'] |
42 | ['free', 'entry', '2', 'weekly', 'comp', 'chance', 'win', 'ipod', 'txt', 'pod', '80182', 'get', 'entry', 'std', 'txt', 'rate', 'tcs', 'apply', '08452810073', 'details', '18'] |
43 | ['wondering', 'would', 'okay', 'call', 'uncle', 'john', 'let', 'know', 'things', 'nigeria', 'r', 'ltgt', 'dollars', '2years', 'sent', 'know', 'strain', 'plan', 'pay', 'back', 'every', 'dime', 'gives', 'every', 'dime', 'expect', 'anything', 'practical', 'something', 'like'] |
44 | ['free', 'ring', 'tone', 'text', 'polys', '87131', 'every', 'week', 'get', 'new', 'tone', '0870737910216yrs', '150wk'] |
45 | ['didnt', 'work', 'oh', 'ok', 'goodnight', 'ill', 'fix', 'ready', 'time', 'wake', 'dearly', 'missed', 'good', 'night', 'sleep'] |
46 | ['multimedia', 'message', 'email'] |
47 | ['nohe', 'joined', 'today'] |
48 | ['send', 'ur', 'friends', 'receive', 'something', 'ur', 'voice', 'speaking', 'expression', '1childish', '2naughty', '3sentiment', '4rowdy', '5ful', 'attitude', '6romantic', '7shy', '8attractive', '9funny', 'ltgt', 'irritating', 'ltgt', 'lovable', 'reply'] |
49 | ['december', 'mobile', '11mths', 'entitled', 'update', 'latest', 'colour', 'camera', 'mobile', 'free', 'call', 'mobile', 'update', 'co', 'free', '08002986906'] |
50 | ['free', 'entry', '2', 'wkly', 'comp', 'win', 'fa', 'cup', 'final', 'tkts', '21st', 'may', '2005', 'text', 'fa', '87121', 'receive', 'entry', 'questionstd', 'txt', 'ratetcs', 'apply', '08452810075over18s'] |
51 | ['someone', 'u', 'know', 'asked', 'dating', 'service', '2', 'contact', 'cant', 'guess', 'call', '09058091854', 'revealed', 'po', 'box385', 'm6', '6wu'] |
52 | ['v', 'skint', 'fancied', 'bevieswaz', 'gona', 'go', 'meet', 'othrs', 'spoon', 'jst', 'bin', 'watchng', 'planet', 'earthsofa', 'v', 'comfey', 'dont', 'make', 'hav', 'gd', 'night'] |
53 | ['u', 'want', 'xmas', '100', 'free', 'text', 'messages', 'new', 'video', 'phone', 'half', 'price', 'line', 'rental', 'call', 'free', '0800', '0721072', 'find'] |
54 | ['girl', 'stay', 'bed', 'girl', 'doesnt', 'need', 'recovery', 'time', 'id', 'rather', 'pass', 'fun', 'cooped', 'bed'] |
55 | ['think', 'disturbing', 'da'] |
56 | ['id', 'like', 'tell', 'deepest', 'darkest', 'fantasies', 'call', '09094646631', '60pmin', 'stop', 'texts', 'call', '08712460324', 'nat', 'rate'] |
57 | ['call', 'later', 'dont', 'network', 'urgnt', 'sms'] |
58 | ['oh', 'oh', 'wasted', 'den', 'muz', 'chiong', 'sat', 'n', 'sun', 'liao'] |
59 | ['wait', 'cornwall', 'hope', 'tonight', 'bad', 'well', 'rock', 'night', 'shite', 'anyway', 'going', 'kip', 'good', 'night', 'speak', 'soon'] |
60 | ['also', 'knows', 'lunch', 'menu', 'da', 'know'] |
61 | ['realize', '40', 'years', 'well', 'thousands', 'old', 'ladies', 'running', 'around', 'tattoos'] |
62 | ['dont', 'make', 'life', 'stressfull', 'always', 'find', 'time', 'laugh', 'may', 'add', 'years', 'life', 'surely', 'adds', 'life', 'ur', 'years', 'gud', 'ni8swt', 'dreams'] |
63 | ['aathiwhere', 'dear'] |
64 | ['tell', 'rob', 'mack', 'gf', 'theater'] |
65 | ['thanks', 'sending', 'mental', 'ability', 'question'] |
66 | ['good', 'think', 'could', 'send', 'pix', 'would', 'love', 'see', 'top', 'bottom'] |
67 | ['u', 'look', '4', 'da', 'lib', 'got', 'stuff', 'havent', 'finish', 'yet'] |
68 | ['happy', 'new', 'years', 'melody'] |
69 | ['dun', 'thk', 'ill', 'quit', 'yet', 'hmmm', 'go', 'jazz', 'yogasana', 'oso', 'go', 'meet', 'em', 'lessons', 'den'] |
70 | ['said', 'right', 'giggle', 'saw', 'u', 'would', 'possibly', 'first', 'person2die', 'nvq', 'think', 'much', 'could'] |
71 | ['hello', 'hello', 'hi', 'lou', 'sorry', 'took', 'long', '2', 'reply', 'left', 'mobile', 'friends', 'lancaster', 'got', 'bak', 'neway', 'im', 'sorry', 'make', 'ur', 'b', 'day', '2', 'hun'] |
72 | ['went', 'attend', 'another', 'two', 'rounds', 'todaybut', 'still', 'didt', 'reach', 'home'] |
73 | ['might', 'go', '2', 'sch', 'yar', 'e', 'salon', 'v', 'boring'] |
74 | ['check', 'rooms', 'befor', 'activities'] |
75 | ['lol', 'real', 'told', 'dad', 'cancer'] |
76 | ['aight', 'rush', 'ill', 'ask', 'jay'] |
77 | ['ok', 'many', 'buy'] |
78 | ['get', 'gift', 'year', 'didnt', 'get', 'anything', 'bad'] |
79 | ['leave', 'u', 'always', 'ignorant'] |
80 | ['yup', 'thk', 'r', 'e', 'teacher', 'said', 'make', 'face', 'look', 'longer', 'darren', 'ask', '2', 'cut', 'short'] |
81 | ['long', 'get', 'reply', 'defer', 'admission', 'til', 'next', 'semester'] |
82 | ['hi', 'elaine', 'todays', 'meeting', 'confirmed'] |
83 | ['thats', 'cause', 'old', 'live', 'high'] |
84 | ['oh', '4', 'outside', 'players', 'allowed', 'play', 'know'] |
85 | ['came', 'hostel'] |
86 | ['aiyar', 'sorry', 'lor', 'forgot', '2', 'tell', 'u'] |
87 | ['give', 'something', 'drink', 'takes', 'doesnt', 'vomit', 'temp', 'might', 'drop', 'unmits', 'however', 'let', 'know'] |
88 | ['thread', 'wishlist', 'section', 'forums', 'ppl', 'post', 'nitro', 'requests', 'start', 'last', 'page', 'collect', 'bottom'] |
89 | ['awesome', 'ill', 'see', 'bit'] |
90 | ['double', 'mins', 'txts', '4', '6months', 'free', 'bluetooth', 'orange', 'available', 'sony', 'nokia', 'motorola', 'phones', 'call', 'mobileupd8', '08000839402', 'call2optoutn9dx'] |
91 | ['shall', 'come', 'get', 'pickle'] |
92 | ['challenge', 'know', ''] |
93 | ['u', 'find', 'time', 'bus', 'coz', 'need', 'sort', 'stuff'] |
94 | ['ok', 'said', 'ive', 'got', 'wisdom', 'teeth', 'hidden', 'inside', 'n', 'mayb', 'need', '2', 'remove'] |
95 | ['cab', 'availablethey', 'pick', 'drop', 'door', 'steps'] |
96 | ['cuz', 'ibored', 'wanna', 'study'] |
97 | ['hello', 'thanx', 'taking', 'call', 'got', 'job', 'starts', 'monday'] |
98 | ['got', 'ltgt'] |
99 | ['refused', 'loan', 'secured', 'unsecured', 'cant', 'get', 'credit', 'call', 'free', '0800', '195', '6669', 'text', 'back', 'help'] |
100 | ['told', 'dr', 'appt', 'next', 'week', 'thinks', 'im', 'gonna', 'die', 'told', 'check', 'nothing', 'worried', 'didnt', 'listen'] |
101 | ['zoe', 'hit', '2', 'im', 'fucking', 'shitin', 'il', 'defo', 'try', 'hardest', '2', 'cum', '2morow', 'luv', 'u', 'millions', 'lekdog'] |
102 | ['sell', 'well', 'tons', 'coins', 'sell', 'coins', 'someone', 'thru', 'paypal', 'voila', 'money', 'back', 'life', 'pockets'] |
103 | ['long', 'take', 'get'] |
104 | ['u', 'reckon', 'need', '2', 'arrange', 'transport', 'u', 'cant', 'thanks'] |
105 | ['boy', 'loved', 'gal', 'propsd', 'bt', 'didnt', 'mind', 'gv', 'lv', 'lttrs', 'bt', 'frnds', 'threw', 'thm', 'boy', 'decided', '2', 'aproach', 'gal', 'dt', 'time', 'truck', 'speeding', 'towards', 'gal', 'wn', '2', 'hit', 'girld', 'boy', 'ran', 'like', 'hell', 'n', 'saved', 'asked', 'hw', 'cn', 'u', 'run', 'fast', 'boy', 'replied', 'boost', 'secret', 'energy', 'n', 'instantly', 'girl', 'shouted', 'energy', 'n', 'thy', 'lived', 'happily', '2gthr', 'drinking', 'boost', 'evrydy', 'moral', 'story', 'hv', 'free', 'msgsd', 'gud', 'ni8'] |
106 | ['mostly', 'sports', 'typelyk', 'footblcrckt'] |
107 | ['raviyog', 'peripherals', 'bhayandar', 'east'] |
108 | ['drug', 'able', 'eat'] |
109 | ['mm', 'kanji', 'dont', 'eat', 'anything', 'heavy', 'ok'] |
110 | ['slaaaaave', 'must', 'summon', 'time', 'dont', 'wish', 'come', 'anymore'] |
111 | ['lol', 'knew', 'saw', 'dollar', 'store'] |
112 | ['tried', 'contact', 'reply', 'offer', '750', 'mins', '150', 'textand', 'new', 'video', 'phone', 'call', '08002988890', 'reply', 'free', 'delivery', 'tomorrow'] |
113 | ['great', 'hope', 'like', 'man', 'well', 'endowed', 'ltgt', 'inches'] |
114 | ['battery', 'mr', 'adewale', 'uncle', 'aka', 'egbon'] |
115 | ['made', 'payments', 'dont', 'much', 'sorry', 'would', 'want', 'fedex', 'way'] |
116 | ['ill', 'call', 'evening', 'ill', 'ideas'] |
117 | ['thanks', 'hope', 'good', 'day', 'today'] |
118 | ['got', 'divorce', 'lol', 'shes'] |
119 | ['didnt', 'tell', 'thatnow', 'im', 'thinking', 'plus', 'hes', 'going', 'stop', 'runs'] |
120 | ['im', 'gonna', 'home', 'soon', 'dont', 'want', 'talk', 'stuff', 'anymore', 'tonight', 'k', 'ive', 'cried', 'enough', 'today'] |
121 | ['god', 'picked', 'flower', 'dippeditinadew', 'lovingly', 'touched', 'itwhichturnedinto', 'u', 'gifted', 'tomeandsaidthis', 'friend', '4u'] |
122 | ['true', 'passable', 'get', 'high', 'score', 'apply', 'phd', 'get', '5years', 'salary', 'makes', 'life', 'easier'] |
123 | ['ryder', 'unsoldnow', 'gibbs'] |
124 | ['change', 'windows', 'logoff', 'sound'] |
125 | ['know', 'account', 'detailsi', 'ask', 'mom', 'send', 'youmy', 'mom', 'reach'] |
126 | ['449071512431', 'urgent', '2nd', 'attempt', 'contact', 'uu', '1250', 'call', '09071512433', 'b4', '050703', 'tcsbcm4235wc1n3xx', 'callcost', '150ppm', 'mobilesvary', 'max', '7', '50'] |
127 | ['dear', 'denying', 'words', 'please'] |
128 | ['gud', 'ni8', 'dearslp', 'welltake', 'careswt', 'dreamsmuah'] |
129 | ['born', 'god', 'said', 'oh', 'another', 'idiot', 'born', 'god', 'said', 'oh', 'competition', 'knew', 'one', 'day', 'two', 'become', 'freinds', 'forever'] |
130 | ['vl', 'bcum', 'difficult'] |
131 | ['call', 'senthil', 'hsbc'] |
132 | ['congratulations', 'youve', 'youre', 'winner', 'august', '1000', 'prize', 'draw', 'call', '09066660100', 'prize', 'code', '2309'] |
133 | ['still', 'chance', 'search', 'hard', 'get', 'itlet', 'try', ''] |
134 | ['tunji', 'hows', 'queen', 'wishing', 'great', 'day', 'abiola'] |
135 | ['got', 'like', 'ltgt', 'get', 'later', 'though', 'get', 'whatever', 'feel', 'like'] |
136 | ['urgent', 'please', 'call', '09066612661', 'landline', 'complimentary', '4', 'lux', 'costa', 'del', 'sol', 'holiday', '1000', 'cash', 'await', 'collection', 'ppm', '150', 'sae', 'tcs', 'james', '28', 'eh74rr'] |
137 | ['officewhats', 'mattermsg', 'nowi', 'call', 'break'] |
138 | ['guess', 'got', 'screwd'] |
139 | ['still', 'working', 'time', 'also', 'tried', 'adding', 'zeros', 'savings', 'checking', 'ltgt'] |
140 | ['urgent', 'call', '09066350750', 'landline', 'complimentary', '4', 'ibiza', 'holiday', '10000', 'cash', 'await', 'collection', 'sae', 'tcs', 'po', 'box', '434', 'sk3', '8wp', '150', 'ppm', '18'] |
141 | ['', 'says', 'hes', 'quitting', 'least5times', 'day', 'wudnt', 'take', 'much', 'notice', 'nah', 'didnt', 'mind', 'gonna', 'see', 'want', 'come', 'taunton', 'tonight', 'u', 'tell', ''] |
142 | ['one', 'talking'] |
143 | ['thanks', 'subscription', 'ringtone', 'uk', 'mobile', 'charged', '5month', 'please', 'confirm', 'replying', 'yes', 'reply', 'charged'] |
144 | ['live', 'next', 'ltgt', 'mins'] |
145 | ['wa', 'ur', 'openin', 'sentence', 'formal', 'anyway', 'im', 'fine', 'juz', 'tt', 'im', 'eatin', 'much', 'n', 'puttin', 'weighthaha', 'anythin', 'special', 'happened'] |
146 | ['ure', 'welcome', 'caught', 'u', 'using', 'broken', 'english'] |
147 | ['4mths', 'half', 'price', 'orange', 'line', 'rental', 'latest', 'camera', 'phones', '4', 'free', 'phone', '11mths', 'call', 'mobilesdirect', 'free', '08000938767', 'update', 'or2stoptxt'] |
148 | ['1', 'polyphonic', 'tone', '4', 'ur', 'mob', 'every', 'week', 'txt', 'pt2', '87575', '1st', 'tone', 'free', 'get', 'txtin', 'tell', 'ur', 'friends', '150ptone', '16', 'reply', 'hl', '4info'] |
149 | ['remember'] |
150 | ['todaysundaysunday', 'holidayso', 'work'] |
151 | ['said', 'would', 'woke', ''] |
152 | ['long', 'applebees', 'fucking', 'take'] |
153 | ['u', 'r', 'much', 'close', 'heart', 'u', 'go', 'away', 'shattered', 'plz', 'stay'] |
154 | ['haha', 'better', 'late', 'ever', 'way', 'could', 'swing'] |
155 | ['jokin', 'oni', 'lar', 'ü', 'busy', 'wun', 'disturb', 'ü'] |
156 | ['tonight', 'yeah', 'id'] |
157 | ['yeah', 'fact', 'asked', 'needed', 'anything', 'like', 'hour', 'ago', 'much'] |
158 | ['2', 'half', 'years', 'missed', 'friendship'] |
159 | ['ever', 'notice', 'youre', 'driving', 'anyone', 'going', 'slower', 'idiot', 'everyone', 'driving', 'faster', 'maniac'] |
160 | ['oh', 'okie', 'lorwe', 'go', 'sat'] |
161 | ['lol', 'need', 'cash', 'nitros', 'hurry', 'come', 'crash'] |
162 | ['saw', 'guys', 'dolls', 'last', 'night', 'patrick', 'swayze', 'great'] |
163 | ['gas', 'station', 'like', 'block', 'away', 'house', 'youll', 'drive', 'right', 'since', 'armenia', 'ends', 'swann', 'take', 'howard'] |
164 | ['shit', 'babe', 'thasa', 'bit', 'messed', 'upyeh', 'shudvetold', 'u', 'urgran', 'knowneway', 'illspeak', '2', 'u2moro', 'wen', 'im', 'asleep'] |
165 | ['sms', 'ac', 'sun0819', 'posts', 'helloyou', 'seem', 'cool', 'wanted', 'say', 'hi', 'hi', 'stop', 'send', 'stop', '62468'] |
166 | ['baskets', 'gettin', 'full', 'might', 'tonight'] |
167 | ['nan', 'sonathaya', 'soladha', 'boss'] |
168 | ['well', 'obviously', 'people', 'cool', 'college', 'life', 'went', 'home', ''] |
169 | ['genius', 'whats', 'brother', 'pls', 'send', 'number', 'skype'] |
170 | ['dont', 'file', 'bagi', 'work', 'called', 'mei', 'tell', 'find', 'anything', 'room'] |
171 | ['partys', 'place', 'usf', 'charge', 'contribute', 'way', 'greatly', 'appreciated', 'yeah', 'got', 'room', 'one'] |
172 | ['new', 'years', 'plans'] |
173 | ['umma', 'life', 'vava', 'umma', 'love', 'lot', 'dear'] |
174 | ['youre', 'right', 'think'] |
175 | ['oi', 'ami', 'parchi', 'na', 'kicchu', 'kaaj', 'korte', 'iccha', 'korche', 'na', 'phone', 'ta', 'tul', 'na', 'plz', 'plz'] |
176 | ['want', 'go'] |
177 | ['nothing', 'ever', 'easy', 'dont', 'looking', 'reason', 'take', 'risk', 'life', 'love'] |
178 | ['sorry', 'roommates', 'took', 'forever', 'ok', 'come'] |
179 | ['ltgt', 'fast', 'approaching', 'wish', 'u', 'happy', 'new', 'year', 'happy', 'sankranti', 'happy', 'republic', 'day', 'happy', 'valentines', 'day', 'happy', 'shivratri', 'happy', 'ugadi', 'happy', 'fools', 'day', 'happy', 'may', 'day', 'happy', 'independence', 'day', 'happy', 'friendshipmotherfatherteacherschildrens', 'day', 'amp', 'happy', 'birthday', '4', 'u', 'happy', 'ganesh', 'festival', 'happy', 'dasara', 'happy', 'diwali', 'happy', 'christmas', 'ltgt', 'good', 'mornings', 'afternoons', 'evenings', 'nights', 'rememberi', 'first', 'wishing', 'u', 'theseyours', 'raj'] |
180 | ['k', 'yan', 'jiu', 'liao', 'sat', 'go', '4', 'bugis', 'vill', 'one', 'frm', '10', '3', 'den', 'hop', 'parco', '4', 'nb', 'sun', 'go', 'cine', 'frm', '1030', '2', 'den', 'hop', 'orc', 'mrt', '4', 'hip', 'hop', '4'] |
181 | ['nah', 'wednesday', 'bring', 'mini', 'cheetos', 'bag'] |
182 | ['okok', 'okthenwhats', 'ur', 'todays', 'plan'] |
183 | ['anything', 'lor', 'u', 'decide'] |
184 | ['sorry', 'went', 'bed', 'early', 'nightnight'] |
185 | ['good', 'words', 'words', 'may', 'leave', 'u', 'dismay', 'many', 'times'] |
186 | ['messagesome', 'text', 'missing', 'sendername', 'missing', 'number', 'missing', 'sentdate', 'missing', 'missing', 'u', 'lot', 'thats', 'everything', 'missing', 'sent', 'via', 'fullonsmscom'] |
187 | ['babe', 'im', 'answering', 'cant', 'see', 'maybe', 'youd', 'better', 'reboot', 'ym', 'got', 'photo', 'great', ''] |
188 | ['thats', 'necessarily', 'respectful'] |
189 | ['aiyah', 'wait', 'lor', 'u', 'entertain', 'hee'] |
190 | ['yo', 'way', 'could', 'pick', 'something', 'tonight'] |
191 | ['sorry', 'going', 'home', 'first', 'daddy', 'come', 'fetch', 'ü', 'later'] |
192 | ['wine', 'flowing', 'im', 'nevering'] |
193 | ['cool', 'ill', 'text'] |
194 | ['holy', 'living', 'christ', 'taking', 'long'] |
195 | ['auction', 'round', '4', 'highest', 'bid', '54', 'next', 'maximum', 'bid', '71', 'bid', 'send', 'bids', 'e', 'g', '10', 'bid', '10', '83383', 'good', 'luck'] |
196 | ['reach', 'ur', 'home', 'ltgt', 'minutes'] |
197 | ['hmm', 'dunno', 'leh', 'mayb', 'bag', '4', 'goigng', 'dat', 'small', 'jus', 'anything', 'except', 'perfume', 'smth', 'dat', 'keep'] |
198 | ['freemsg', 'fancy', 'flirt', 'reply', 'date', 'join', 'uks', 'fastest', 'growing', 'mobile', 'dating', 'service', 'msgs', 'rcvd', '25p', 'optout', 'txt', 'stop', '83021', 'reply', 'date'] |
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200 | ['hi', 'babe', 'u', 'r', 'likely', 'bed', 'im', 'sorry', 'tonight', 'really', 'wanna', 'see', 'u', 'tomorrow', 'call', '9', 'love', 'xxx'] |
201 | ['07732584351', 'rodger', 'burns', 'msg', 'tried', 'call', 'reply', 'sms', 'free', 'nokia', 'mobile', 'free', 'camcorder', 'please', 'call', '08000930705', 'delivery', 'tomorrow'] |
202 | ['wish', 'u', 'many', 'many', 'returns', 'day', 'happy', 'birthday', 'vikky'] |