Helm - Example - Install bitnami/mysql
kubectl needs to be installed and configured to access cluster
Good: helm works as unprivileged user as well - Good for our setup
install helm on ubuntu (client) as root: snap install --classic helm
Please only use: helm3. No server-side components needed (in cluster)
Get away from examples using helm2 (hint: helm init) - uses tiller
Simple Walkthrough (Example 0)
# Repo hinzufpgen
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
# gecachte Informationen aktualieren
helm repo update
helm search repo bitnami
# helm install release-name bitnami/mysql
helm install my-mysql bitnami/mysql
# Chart runterziehen ohne installieren
# helm pull bitnami/mysql
# Release anzeigen zu lassen
helm list
# Status einer Release / Achtung, heisst nicht unbedingt nicht, dass pod läuft
helm status my-mysql
# weitere release installieren
# helm install neuer-release-name bitnami/mysql
# Helm speichert Informationen über die Releases in den Secrets
kubectl get secrets | grep helm
Example 1: - To get know the structure
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm search repo bitnami
helm repo update
helm pull bitnami/mysql
tar xzvf mysql-9.0.0.tgz
Example 2: We will setup mysql without persistent storage (not helpful in production ;o()
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm search repo bitnami
helm repo update
helm install my-mysql bitnami/mysql
Example 2 - continue - fehlerbehebung
helm uninstall my-mysql
# Install with persistentStorage disabled - Setting a specific value
helm install my-mysql --set primary.persistence.enabled=false bitnami/mysql
# just as notice
# helm uninstall my-mysql
Example 2b: using a values file
# mkdir helm-mysql
# cd helm-mysql
# vi values.yml
enabled: false
helm uninstall my-mysql
helm install my-mysql bitnami/mysql -f values.yml
Example 3: Install wordpress
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install my-wordpress \
--set wordpressUsername=admin \
--set wordpressPassword=password \
--set mariadb.auth.rootPassword=secretpassword \
Example 4: Install Wordpress with values and auth
# mkdir helm-mysql
# cd helm-mysql
# vi values.yml
enabled: false
wordpressUsername: admin
wordpressPassword: password
enabled: false
rootPassword: secretpassword
helm uninstall my-wordpress
helm install my-wordpress bitnami/wordpress -f values