This is a Python binding to the Natural Language Processing suite Frog. Frog is intended for Dutch and performs part-of-speech tagging, lemmatisation, morphological analysis, named entity recognition, shallow parsing, and dependency parsing. The tool itseelf is implemented in C++ (
- Make sure to first install Frog itself ( or from git ) and its dependencies
- Install Cython if not yet available on your system:
$ sudo apt-get cython cython3
(Debian/Ubuntu, may differ for others) - Run:
$ sudo python install
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals #to make this work on Python 2 as well as Python 3
import frog
frog = frog.Frog(frog.FrogOptions(parser=False), "/etc/frog/frog.cfg")
output = frog.process_raw("Dit is een test")
print("RAW OUTPUT=",output)
output = frog.process("Dit is nog een test.")
print("PARSED OUTPUT=",output)
RAW OUTPUT= 1 Dit dit [dit] VNW(aanw,pron,stan,vol,3o,ev)
0.777085 O B-NP
2 is zijn [zijn] WW(pv,tgw,ev) 0.999891 O
3 een een [een] LID(onbep,stan,agr) 0.999113 O
4 test test [test] N(soort,ev,basis,zijd,stan) 0.789112
PARSED OUTPUT= [{'chunker': 'B-NP', 'index': '1', 'lemma': 'dit', 'ner':
'O', 'pos': 'VNW(aanw,pron,stan,vol,3o,ev)', 'posprob': 0.777085, 'text':
'Dit', 'morph': '[dit]'}, {'chunker': 'B-VP', 'index': '2', 'lemma':
'zijn', 'ner': 'O', 'pos': 'WW(pv,tgw,ev)', 'posprob': 0.999966, 'text':
'is', 'morph': '[zijn]'}, {'chunker': 'B-NP', 'index': '3', 'lemma': 'nog',
'ner': 'O', 'pos': 'BW()', 'posprob': 0.99982, 'text': 'nog', 'morph':
'[nog]'}, {'chunker': 'I-NP', 'index': '4', 'lemma': 'een', 'ner': 'O',
'pos': 'LID(onbep,stan,agr)', 'posprob': 0.995781, 'text': 'een', 'morph':
'[een]'}, {'chunker': 'I-NP', 'index': '5', 'lemma': 'test', 'ner': 'O',
'pos': 'N(soort,ev,basis,zijd,stan)', 'posprob': 0.903055, 'text': 'test',
'morph': '[test]'}, {'chunker': 'O', 'index': '6', 'eos': True, 'lemma':
'.', 'ner': 'O', 'pos': 'LET()', 'posprob': 1.0, 'text': '.', 'morph':
Available keyword arguments for FrogOptions:
- tok - True/False - Do tokenisation? (default: True)
- lemma - True/False - Do lemmatisation? (default: True)
- morph - True/False - Do morpholigical analysis? (default: True)
- daringmorph - True/False - Do morphological analysis in new experimental style? (default: False)
- mwu - True/False - Do Multi Word Unit detection? (default: True)
- chunking - True/False - Do Chunking/Shallow parsing? (default: True)
- ner - True/False - Do Named Entity Recognition? (default: True)
- parser - True/False - Do Dependency Parsing? (default: False). The Parser won't work in this binding!
- xmlin - True/False - Input is FoLiA XML (default: False)
- xmlout - True/False - Output is FoLiA XML (default: False)
- docid - str - Document ID (for FoLiA)
- numThreads - int - Number of threads to use (default: unset, unlimited)