diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-install-script.yml b/.github/workflows/test-install-script.yml
index aadab0847890..fd4a9a48d45f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-install-script.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-install-script.yml
@@ -109,53 +109,28 @@ jobs:
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install deprecated WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2)
+    - name: Install deprecated WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0)
       run: |
-        bash utils/install.sh -v 0.8.2 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2) with all extensions
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0) with all extensions
       run: |
-        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.8.2 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Install WasmEdge and test for arm extension installation
       run: |
         bash utils/install.sh -e all --version=0.9.1-beta.1 \
         --tf-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --tf-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1  --tf-tools-version=0.9.1-beta.1  \
-        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1
+        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install wasmedge-image-deps with 0.8.2
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        if echo "$(bash utils/install.sh -e image -v 0.8.2 --image-version=0.8.2 --image-deps-version=0.8.2 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.2";\
-        else echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.2" && cat output.log && exit 1; fi;
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Installs wasmedge-image-deps with 0.8.1
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        echo "$(bash utils/install.sh -e image -v 0.8.1 --image-version=0.8.1 --image-deps-version=0.8.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps && echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.1" \
-        || (echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.1" && cat output.log && exit 1)
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Don't install wasmedge-image-deps with 0.9.0-rc.1
-      run: |
-        if echo "$(bash utils/install.sh -e image -v 0.9.0-rc.1 --image-version=0.9.0-rc.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.0-rc.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Failed: Deps found in 0.9.0-rc.1" \
-        && cat output.log && exit 1; else echo "Pass: Deps not found in 0.9.0-rc.1"; fi;
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
+        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V 
     - name: Install versions multiple times
       run: |
         bash utils/install.sh -e all -D
-        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.9.0-rc.1 -D
-        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.8.1 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.9.1 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
@@ -225,15 +200,15 @@ jobs:
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install deprecated WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2)
+    - name: Install deprecated WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0)
       run: |
-        bash utils/install.sh -v 0.8.2 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2) with all extensions
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0) with all extensions
       run: |
-        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.8.2 -D
+        bash utils/install.sh -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-python-install-script.yml b/.github/workflows/test-python-install-script.yml
index 9a6daf993bdd..6e0136adda46 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test-python-install-script.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-python-install-script.yml
@@ -108,64 +108,31 @@ jobs:
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2)
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0)
       if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
       run: |
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.8.2 -D
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.8.2 -D
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.9.0 -D
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge
       if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2) with all extensions
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0) with all extensions
       if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
       run: |
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e all -v 0.8.2 -D
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e all -v 0.8.2 -D
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Install WasmEdge with all extensions compatible with min version for all platforms
       run: |
         ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e all --version=0.9.1-beta.1 \
         --tf-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --tf-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1  --tf-tools-version=0.9.1-beta.1  \
-        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1 -D
+        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1 -D
         ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e all --version=0.9.1-beta.1 \
         --tf-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --tf-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1  --tf-tools-version=0.9.1-beta.1  \
-        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.1-beta.1 -D
+        --image-version=0.9.1-beta.1 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install wasmedge-image-deps with 0.8.2
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        if echo "$(${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.8.2 --image-version=0.8.2 --image-deps-version=0.8.2 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.2";\
-        else echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.2" && cat output.log && exit 1; fi;
-        if echo "$(${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.8.2 --image-version=0.8.2 --image-deps-version=0.8.2 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.2";\
-        else echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.2" && cat output.log && exit 1; fi;
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Installs wasmedge-image-deps with 0.8.1
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        echo "$(${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.8.1 --image-version 0.8.1 --image-deps-version 0.8.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE "Installing image deps" && echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.1" \
-        || (echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.1" && cat output.log && exit 1)
-        echo "$(${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.8.1 --image-version 0.8.1 --image-deps-version 0.8.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE "Installing image deps" && echo "Pass: Deps found in 0.8.1" \
-        || (echo "Failed: Deps not found in 0.8.1" && cat output.log && exit 1)
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Don't install wasmedge-image-deps with 0.9.0-rc.1
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        if echo "$(${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.9.0-rc.1 --image-version=0.9.0-rc.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.0-rc.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Failed: Deps found in 0.9.0-rc.1" \
-        && cat output.log && exit 1; else echo "Pass: Deps not found in 0.9.0-rc.1"; fi;
-        if echo "$(${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -e image -v 0.9.0-rc.1 --image-version=0.9.0-rc.1 --image-deps-version=0.9.0-rc.1 2>&1 | tee output.log)" | grep -qE deps;then echo "Failed: Deps found in 0.9.0-rc.1" \
-        && cat output.log && exit 1; else echo "Pass: Deps not found in 0.9.0-rc.1"; fi;
-    - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with Image extensions
-      if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
-      run: |
-        bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
     - name: Install versions multiple times
       run: |
         ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -e all -D
@@ -223,19 +190,19 @@ jobs:
       if: ${{ matrix.name == 'Ubuntu 20.04' }}
       run: |
         # Multiple plugin download
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -p /usr --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -p /usr --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -p /usr --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto -D
-        (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so  && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -p /usr --plugins wasi_nn-openvino wasi_crypto wasi_nn-pytorch wasi_nn-tensorflowlite wasmedge_httpsreq -D
+        (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep -E libwasmedgePluginWasiNN.so\|libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so\|libwasmedgePluginHttpsReq.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
     - name: Externally Specified plugins install check (wrong name)(Ubuntu)
       if: ${{ matrix.name == 'Ubuntu 20.04' }}
@@ -250,18 +217,18 @@ jobs:
       if: ${{ matrix.name != 'manylinux2014 aarch64' }}
       run: |
         # Single plugin download
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 -p /usr --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python2_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 -p /usr --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         ls ~/.wasmedge/plugin/ | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 -p ~/new_wasmedge --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         ls ~/new_wasmedge/plugin/ | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
-        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-alpha.1 -p /usr --plugins wasi_crypto -D
+        ${{ matrix.python3_ex }} utils/install.py -v 0.10.1-rc.1 -p /usr --plugins wasi_crypto -D
         (ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/; ls /usr/lib/wasmedge/;)2>&1 | grep libwasmedgePluginWasiCrypto.so && echo "Pass: Plugins found" || (echo "Fail: Plugins not found" && exit 1)
     - name: Check for differences in the installation
@@ -303,15 +270,15 @@ jobs:
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2)
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0)
       run: |
-        python utils/install.py -v 0.8.2 -D
+        python utils/install.py -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
-    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.8.2) with all extensions
+    - name: Install WasmEdge specific release (0.9.0) with all extensions
       run: |
-        python utils/install.py -e all -v 0.8.2 -D
+        python utils/install.py -e all -v 0.9.0 -D
     - name: Uninstall WasmEdge with all extensions
       run: |
         bash utils/uninstall.sh -q -V
diff --git a/utils/install.py b/utils/install.py
index 7f19745b5d75..eb00dceead58 100644
--- a/utils/install.py
+++ b/utils/install.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 from contextlib import contextmanager
-from posixpath import lexists
 import shutil
 import sys
 import argparse
@@ -33,17 +32,10 @@
 import re
 import logging
-    from future_builtins import ascii, filter, hex, map, oct, zip
-    pass
 download_url = None
 # Define version specific things
 if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
-    xrange = range
     import urllib.request
     download_url = urllib.request.urlretrieve
@@ -159,9 +151,9 @@ def extract_archive(
                     fname = fname.replace("lib64", "lib", 1)
                 if "Plugin" in fname:
                     if is_default_path(args):
-                        fname = fname.replace("lib64/wasmedge", "plugin").replace(
-                            "lib/wasmedge", "plugin"
-                        )
+                        fname = join(ipath, "plugin", fname)
+                    else:
+                        fname = join(ipath, CONST_lib_dir, "wasmedge", fname)
                     if ipath not in fname:
                         fname = join(ipath, fname)
@@ -252,14 +244,14 @@ def compare(self, version2, separator=". |-", ignorecase=True):
-    "Linux" + "x86_64": VersionString("0.8.0"),
-    "Linux" + "amd64": VersionString("0.8.0"),
-    "Linux" + "arm64": VersionString("0.8.0"),
-    "Linux" + "armv8": VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "aarch64": VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Darwin" + "x86_64": VersionString("0.8.2"),
-    "Darwin" + "arm64": VersionString("0.8.2"),
-    "Darwin" + "arm": VersionString("0.8.2"),
+    "Linux" + "x86_64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "amd64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "arm64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "armv8": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "aarch64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Darwin" + "x86_64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Darwin" + "arm64": VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Darwin" + "arm": VersionString("0.9.0"),
 WASMEDGE = "WasmEdge"
@@ -270,19 +262,8 @@ def compare(self, version2, separator=". |-", ignorecase=True):
 TENSORFLOW_LITE_DEPS = "tensorflow_lite_deps"
 TENSORFLOW_TOOLS = "tensorflow_tools"
 IMAGE = "image"
-IMAGE_DEPS = "image_deps"
-    ],
-    IMAGE: [
-        IMAGE_DEPS,
-    ],
     "Linux" + "x86_64": EXTENSIONS,
     "Linux" + "amd64": EXTENSIONS,
@@ -295,32 +276,33 @@ def compare(self, version2, separator=". |-", ignorecase=True):
-    "Linux" + "x86_64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "x86_64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "x86_64" + IMAGE_DEPS: VersionString("0.8.2"),
-    "Linux" + "amd64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "amd64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "arm64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "arm64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "armv8" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.8.1"),
-    "Linux" + "armv8" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
+    "Linux" + "x86_64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "x86_64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "amd64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "amd64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "arm64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "arm64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "armv8" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.9.0"),
+    "Linux" + "armv8" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.9.0"),
     "Linux" + "aarch64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.9.1-beta.1"),
     "Linux" + "aarch64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.9.1-beta.1"),
     "Darwin" + "x86_64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.10.0-alpha.1"),
     "Darwin" + "x86_64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.10.0-alpha.1"),
     "Darwin" + "arm64" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.10.0-alpha.1"),
-    # "Darwin" + "arm64" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
     "Darwin" + "arm" + TENSORFLOW: VersionString("0.10.0-alpha.1"),
-    # "Darwin" + "arm" + IMAGE: VersionString("0.8.1"),
 WASI_NN_OPENVINO = "wasi_nn-openvino"
 WASI_CRYPTO = "wasi_crypto"
 WASI_NN_PYTORCH = "wasi_nn-pytorch"
+WASI_NN_TENSORFLOW_LITE = "wasi_nn-tensorflowlite"
+WASMEDGE_HTTPSREQ = "wasmedge_httpsreq"
@@ -330,6 +312,17 @@ def compare(self, version2, separator=". |-", ignorecase=True):
     "manylinux2014" + "arm64" + WASI_CRYPTO: VersionString("0.10.1-rc.1"),
     "ubuntu20.04" + "x86_64" + WASI_NN_OPENVINO: VersionString("0.10.1-alpha.1"),
     "ubuntu20.04" + "x86_64" + WASI_NN_PYTORCH: VersionString("0.11.1-alpha.1"),
+    "manylinux2014" + "x86_64" + WASI_NN_PYTORCH: VersionString("0.11.2-alpha.1"),
+    "manylinux2014"
+    + "x86_64"
+    + WASI_NN_TENSORFLOW_LITE: VersionString("0.11.2-alpha.1"),
+    "manylinux2014"
+    + "aarch64"
+    + WASI_NN_TENSORFLOW_LITE: VersionString("0.11.2-alpha.1"),
+    "ubuntu20.04" + "x86_64" + WASI_NN_TENSORFLOW_LITE: VersionString("0.11.2-rc.1"),
+    "ubuntu20.04" + "x86_64" + WASMEDGE_HTTPSREQ: VersionString("0.11.1"),
+    "manylinux2014" + "x86_64" + WASMEDGE_HTTPSREQ: VersionString("0.11.1"),
+    "manylinux2014" + "aarch64" + WASMEDGE_HTTPSREQ: VersionString("0.11.1"),
 HOME = expanduser("~")
@@ -641,168 +634,6 @@ def install_image_extension(args, compat):
                     join(args.path, "bin", file),
-        if (
-            SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS_VERSION[compat.prefix() + IMAGE_DEPS].compare(
-                args.image_deps_version
-            )
-            >= 0
-        ):
-            print("Installing image deps")
-            image_deps_pkg = (
-                "WasmEdge-image-deps-"
-                + args.image_deps_version
-                + "-"
-                + "manylinux1_x86_64.tar.gz"
-            )
-            download_url(
-                CONST_urls[IMAGE_DEPS], join(TEMP_PATH, image_deps_pkg), show_progress
-            )
-            # Extract archieve
-            extract_archive(
-                join(TEMP_PATH, image_deps_pkg),
-                join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir),
-                join(TEMP_PATH, "WasmEdge-image-deps"),
-                env_file_path=CONST_env_path,
-                remove_finished=True,
-            )
-            copytree(
-                join(TEMP_PATH, "WasmEdge-image-deps"), join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir)
-            )
-            for file in listdir(join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir)):
-                if ("jpeg" not in file) and ("png" not in file):
-                    continue
-                try:
-                    # check if it contains any digits
-                    if not any(i.isdigit() for i in file):
-                        continue
-                    if compat.platform == "Linux":
-                        name, version = file.split(CONST_lib_ext, 1)
-                        if version[0] == ".":
-                            version = version[1:]
-                        no_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name + CONST_lib_ext,
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            no_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        single_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name + CONST_lib_ext + "." + version.split(".")[0],
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            single_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        double_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name
-                            + CONST_lib_ext
-                            + "."
-                            + version.split(".")[0]
-                            + "."
-                            + version.split(".")[1],
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            double_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        no_v_png_path = None
-                        if "png16" in name:
-                            no_v_png_path = join(
-                                args.path,
-                                CONST_lib_dir,
-                                name.split("16")[0] + CONST_lib_ext,
-                            )
-                            symlink(
-                                join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                                no_v_png_path,
-                            )
-                    elif compat.platform == "Darwin":
-                        name, version = file.split(CONST_lib_ext, 1)[0].split(".", 1)
-                        no_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name + CONST_lib_ext,
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            no_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        single_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name + "." + version.split(".")[0] + CONST_lib_ext,
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            single_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        double_v_env_path = join(
-                            args.path,
-                            CONST_lib_dir,
-                            name
-                            + "."
-                            + version.split(".")[0]
-                            + "."
-                            + version.split(".")[1]
-                            + CONST_lib_ext,
-                        )
-                        symlink(
-                            join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                            double_v_env_path,
-                        )
-                        no_v_png_path = None
-                        if "png16" in name:
-                            no_v_png_path = join(
-                                args.path,
-                                CONST_lib_dir,
-                                name.split("16")[0] + CONST_lib_ext,
-                            )
-                            symlink(
-                                join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir, file),
-                                no_v_png_path,
-                            )
-                    else:
-                        reraise(
-                            Exception(
-                                "Functionality not implemented for platform {0}".format(
-                                    compat.platform
-                                )
-                            )
-                        )
-                    with opened_w_error(CONST_env_path, "a") as env_file:
-                        if env_file is not None:
-                            env_file.write("#" + no_v_env_path + "\n")
-                            logging.debug("Appending:%s", no_v_env_path)
-                            env_file.write("#" + single_v_env_path + "\n")
-                            logging.debug("Appending:%s", single_v_env_path)
-                            env_file.write("#" + double_v_env_path + "\n")
-                            logging.debug("Appending:%s", double_v_env_path)
-                            if no_v_png_path is not None:
-                                env_file.write("#" + no_v_png_path + "\n")
-                                logging.debug("Appending:%s", no_v_png_path)
-                        else:
-                            logging.error(
-                                "Not able to append installed files to env file"
-                            )
-                except Exception as e:
-                    logging.critical(e)
-        else:
-            logging.debug("Image deps not needed: {0}".format(args.image_deps_version))
-    else:
-        logging.debug("Image deps not needed: {0}".format(compat.prefix()))
     return 0
@@ -1152,9 +983,7 @@ def install_plugins(args, compat):
                 if plugin_version_supplied is None:
-                    plugin_version_supplied = SUPPORTTED_PLUGINS[
-                        compat.dist + compat.machine + plugin_name
-                    ].version
+                    plugin_version_supplied = args.version
                 elif (
                         compat.dist + compat.machine + plugin_name
@@ -1184,7 +1013,7 @@ def install_plugins(args, compat):
                     join(TEMP_PATH, "Plugin" + plugin_name + ".tar.gz"),
-                    join(args.path, CONST_lib_dir),
+                    join(args.path),
                     join(TEMP_PATH, "Plugins"),
@@ -1216,9 +1045,6 @@ def set_consts(args, compat):
         IMAGE: "https://github.com/second-state/WasmEdge-image/releases/download/{0}/WasmEdge-image-{0}-{1}".format(
             args.image_version, CONST_release_pkg
-        IMAGE_DEPS: "https://github.com/second-state/WasmEdge-image/releases/download/{0}/WasmEdge-image-deps-{0}-{1}".format(
-            args.image_deps_version, "manylinux1_x86_64.tar.gz"
-        ),
         TENSORFLOW_DEPS: "https://github.com/second-state/WasmEdge-tensorflow-deps/releases/download/{0}/WasmEdge-tensorflow-deps-TF-{0}-{1}".format(
             args.tf_deps_version, CONST_release_pkg
@@ -1370,9 +1196,9 @@ def __bool__(self):
     def bool_overload(self):
         if self.platform not in SUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MACHINE:
             reraise(Exception("Unsupported platform: {0}".format(self.platform)))
-        elif self.machine not in SUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MACHINE[self.platform]:
+        if self.machine not in SUPPORTED_PLATFORM_MACHINE[self.platform]:
             reraise(Exception("Unsupported machine: {0}".format(self.machine)))
-        elif self.extensions is not None and len(self.extensions) > 0:
+        if self.extensions is not None and len(self.extensions) > 0:
             if not (
                 <= set(SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS[self.platform + self.machine])
@@ -1385,7 +1211,7 @@ def bool_overload(self):
-        elif (
+        if (
                 version2=SUPPORTED_MIN_VERSION[self.platform + self.machine].version
@@ -1398,6 +1224,17 @@ def bool_overload(self):
+        if not get_remote_version_availability(
+            "WasmEdge/WasmEdge", self.version.version
+        ):
+            reraise(
+                Exception(
+                    "Version {0} does not exist in remote repository of WasmEdge".format(
+                        self.version.version
+                    )
+                )
+            )
         return True
     def prefix(self):
@@ -1632,25 +1469,24 @@ def main(args):
         help="Image extension version",
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--image-deps-version",
-        dest="image_deps_version",
-        required=False,
-        default=None,
-        help="Image Deps version",
-    )
+        "--os",
+        choices=["Linux", "Darwin"],
+        type=lambda s: s.title(),
         help="Platform ex- Linux, Darwin, Windows",
+        "--arch",
+        choices=["x86_64", "aarch64", "arm", "arm64"],
+        type=lambda s: s.lower(),
         help="Machine ex- x86_64, aarch64",
@@ -1658,6 +1494,8 @@ def main(args):
+        choices=["ubuntu20.04", "manylinux2014"],
+        type=lambda s: s.lower(),
         help="Dist ex- ubuntu20.04,manylinux2014",
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -1678,8 +1516,5 @@ def main(args):
     if args.image_version is None:
         args.image_version = args.version
-    if args.image_deps_version is None:
-        args.image_deps_version = args.version
     logging.debug("Python Version: %s", sys.version_info)