Demonstration of Streaming Virtual Texturing and Runtime Virtual Texturing, which is new to UE4 in 4.23.
Shows how use runtime virtual texturing to:
- render landscape materials to a virtual texture
- use materials that sample from the landscape's virtual texture to blend into the terrain
- create a decal-like material that renders into the landscape's virtual texture. Note this is not an actual decal, it is just a static mesh that renders into a virtual texture. The resolution of the this decal like object is determined by the Runtime Virtual Texture asset's parameters.
r.VT.Borders 1
to see Streaming Virtual Texture tilesr.VT.Flush
to see changes to previous border commandstat virtualtextures
I've had some problems with the RuntimeVirtualTexture level crashing in 4.23. I reported the crash to Epic. In the meantime, you can try to workaround by trying again (the crash doesn't happen all the time for me) or by first opening M_PickupLandscape material, moving a node, and hitting save before opening RuntimeVirtualTexturing level (I have no idea why this would make any difference, but it did for me).