A simple PHP Object wrapper for the Google Chart API. Should help anyone who needs to automate the building of the Google Chart url. Supports (almost) all types of charts. Prerequisites
To use this API, you should have a little PHP experience; a little patience to read the documentation; and a little persistence to keep trying if your first charts don't look as you expect them to. Pie Chart Example
Pie chart using the gPieChart class generated by this code:
$piChart = new gPieChart();
$piChart->setLabels = array("first", "second", "third","fourth");
$piChart->setLegend(array("first", "second", "third","fourth"));
$piChart->setColors = array("ff3344", "11ff11", "22aacc", "3333aa");
- The verion that was first committed to GUTHub is the same that is on Google Code. Future commits will be reserved to GITHub.
- I am pleased with how the code is shaping up. I haven't had much of an opportunity in the past to play with inheritence and polymorphism in PHP.
20110903 - Fixed encodeData2 bug in gChart.php 20110816 - PEAR branch merged in master. Legacy branch created with the old files