The Persistence interfaces are rather overkill for many implementations in the NoSQL world that are only key-value stores with some additional features on top. Doctrine Key Value Store to the rescue. This project offers a much simpler lightweight API that is centered on a key-value API to fetch/save objects.
- Single- or multi-value primary keys
- Unstructured/schema-less values that are mapped onto objects
- Depending on the implementation embedded values/objects are supported
- No complex mapping necessary, just put @Entity on the class and all properties are automatically mapped unless @Transient is given. At least one property has to be @Id. Depends on the underlying vendor though.
- Properties dont have to exist on the class, public properties are created for missing ones.
- No support for references to other objects
- EventListener for ODM/ORM that allows to manage key-value entities and collections of them as properties (postLoad, postUpdate, postPersist, postRemove)
- Stripped down Object Manager Interface
- Data-mapper as any other Doctrine library and persistence and data-objects are separated.
- Inheritance (Single- or Multiple-Storage)
Following vendors are targeted:
- Microsoft Azure Table (Implemented)
- Doctrine\Common\Cache provider (Implemented)
- RDBMS (Implemented)
- Couchbase (Implemented)
- Amazon DynamoDB
- CouchDB (Implemented)
- Cassandra
- MongoDB (Implemented)
- Riak (Implemented)
- Redis (Implemented)
We happily accept contributions for any of the drivers.
Suppose we track e-mail campaigns based on campaign id and recipients.
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\Mapping\Annotations as KeyValue;
* @KeyValue\Entity(storageName="responses")
class Response
const RECEIVE = 0;
const OPEN = 10;
const CLICK = 20;
const ACTION = 30;
/** @KeyValue\Id */
private $campaign;
/** @KeyValue\Id */
private $recipient;
private $status;
private $date;
public function __construct($campaign, $recipient, $status)
$this->campaign = $campaign;
$this->recipient = $recipient;
$this->status = $status;
$response = new Response("1234", "[email protected]", Response::RECEIVE);
//.... persists as much as you can :-)
$response = $entityManager->find("Response",array("campaign" => "1234","recipient" => "[email protected]"));
same as create, just reuse the same id.
$response = $entityManager->find("Response",array("1234","[email protected]"));
There is no factory yet that simplifies the creation process, here is the full code necessary to instantiate a KeyValue EntityManager with a Doctrine Cache backend:
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\Configuration;
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\Mapping\AnnotationDriver;
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\Storage\DoctrineCacheStorage;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader;
$cache = new ArrayCache;
$storage = new DoctrineCacheStorage($cache);
$reader = new AnnotationReader();
$metadata = new AnnotationDriver($reader);
$config = new Configuration();
$entityManager = new EntityManager($storage, $config);
If you want to use WindowsAzure Table you can use the following configuration to instantiate the storage:
use Doctrine\KeyValueStore\Storage\AzureSdkTableStorage;
use WindowsAzure\Common\ServicesBuilder;
$connectionString = ""; // Windows Azure Connection string
$builder = ServicesBuilder::getInstance();
$client = $builder->createTableService($connectionString);
$storage = new AzureSdkTableStorage($client);
If you want to use Doctrine DBAL as backend:
$params = array();
$tableName = "storage";
$idColumnName = "id";
$dataColumnName = "serialized_data";
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection($params);
$storage = new DBALStorage($conn, $tableName, $idColumnName, $dataColumnName);