This is an infodump plugin for Tweakpane. Provides a blade that displays text, optionally with a border and/or basic Markdown support. Intended for long descriptions (i.e., infodumps!) that wouldn't neatly fit into labels.
That text is, as you might have guessed based on the controls below, a Star Trek reference.
This implementation is heavily based on the placeholder blade from the Tweakpane docs as mentioned in this issue.
Download the most recent release from here.
<script src="tweakpane.min.js"></script>
<script src="tweakpane-plugin-infodump.min.js"></script>
const pane = new Tweakpane.Pane();
import {Pane} from 'tweakpane';
import * as InfodumpPlugin from 'doersino/tweakpane-plugin-infodump';
const pane = new Pane();
view: "infodump",
content: "Major, lark's true pepper. Let birds go further loose maybe. Shout easy play.",
border: false,
markdown: false,
Both the border
and markdown
switches are false
by default, so you wouldn't need to specify them in this example.
Markdown compilation is provided by the slimdown-js package – a very lightweight and hence not entirely-spec-compliant Markdown parser which may or may not lead to issues when going beyond basic text formatting (for this reason, I haven't included CSS rules covering every possible Markdown construct – file an issue if you'd like improvements here.)
I recommend using backtick-delimited strings (where line breaks are allowed) for multiline Markdown, although you'll need to backslash-escape Markdown's code delimiters if you do so.
Clone this repository, then:
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Build source codes and watch changes:
$ npm start
to see the result. -
Cutting a release:
$ npm run assets
Then upload the resulting ZIP file to GitHub.
|- src
| |- sass ............ Plugin CSS
| |- index.ts ........ Entrypoint
| |- plugin.ts ....... Plugin
| |- controller.ts ... Controller for the custom view
| `- view.ts ......... Custom view
|- dist ............... Compiled files
`- test
`- browser.html .... Plugin lab