This is a demo application showcasing RSocket support in Spring.
This application is made of 3 modules:
, an app that provides information about radars and the aircraft signals they collect.flight-tracker
, an app that displays an interactive map with radars and aircrafts.
First, run the collector application:
$ ./gradlew :radar-collector:build
$ java -jar radar-collector/build/libs/radar-collector-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Then, run the tracker web application:
$ ./gradlew :flight-tracker:build
$ java -jar flight-tracker/build/libs/flight-tracker-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The tracker application is available at http://localhost:8080/index.html
This application is providing information about radars (here, airports): their IATA code, location and aircraft signals recorded. The aircraft signals are randomly generated and the actual list of radars is actually created from a list of airports, inserted in a MongoDB database.
The application starts an RSocket server with TCP transport, at localhost:9898
You can get a list of airports located inside specific coordinates, using the rsocket-cli:
rsocket-cli --stream --metadataFormat=message/x.rsocket.routing.v0 -m=locate.radars.within --dataFormat=json \
-i='{"first":{"lng": 3.878915, "lat": 46.409025}, "second": {"lng": 6.714843, "lat": 44.365644}}' tcp://localhost:9898/
You can also get a stream of aircraft locations for a given radar, with:
rsocket-cli --stream --metadataFormat=message/x.rsocket.routing.v0 -m=listen.radar.LYS --dataFormat=json -i "" tcp://localhost:9898/
This application displays an interactive map showing radars - it is also concatenating the streams of aircraft signals for the radars displayed on screen.
The application starts a WebFlux server at localhost:8080
, with an RSocket over websocket endpoint on /rsocket
The flight-client
module builds the JavaScript client using Leaflet and the the websocket client
from rsocket-js.
The browser will first locate all radars in the current view box; you can do the same on the CLI with:
rsocket-cli --stream --metadataFormat=message/x.rsocket.routing.v0 -m=locate.radars.within --dataFormat=json \
-i='{"viewBox": {"first":{"lng": 3.878915, "lat": 46.409025}, "second": {"lng": 6.714843, "lat": 44.365644}}, "maxRadars": 10}' ws://localhost:8080/rsocket
Once all the radars are retrieved, we can ask a merged stream of all aircrafts for those radars to the server.
rsocket-cli --stream --metadataFormat=message/x.rsocket.routing.v0 -m=locate.aircrafts.for --dataFormat=json \
-i='[{"iata":"LYS"}, {"iata":"CVF"}, {"iata":"NCY"}]' ws://localhost:8080/rsocket
The browser will perform such a request and update the aircrafts positions live.
The Leaflet map has a small number input (bottom left) which controls the reactive streams demand from the client. Decreasing it significantly should make the server send less updates to the map. Increasing it back should catch up with the updates.
Also, once the RSocket client is connected to the server, a bi-directionnal connection is established: they're now both able to send requests (being a requester) and respond to those (being a responder). Here, this demo shows how the JavaScript client can respond to requests sent by the server.
Sending the following request to the web server will make it send requests to all connected clients to let them know that they should change their location to the selected radar:
curl -X POST localhost:8080/location/CDG