This project was created by Doyub Kim as part of the book, "Fluid Engine Development", and Jet is the fluid simulation engine SDK introduced from the book. Currently the book hasn't been released yet, but it will be published very soon.
- SPH and PCISPH fluid simulators
- Stable fluids-based smoke simulator
- Level set-based liquid simulator
- PIC and FLIP fluid simulators
- Upwind, ENO and FMM level set solvers
- Converters between signed distance function and triangular mesh
Every simulator has both 2-D and 3-D implementations.
To learn how to build, test, and install the SDK, please check out
Jet is under the MIT license. For more information, check out
Here are some of the example simulations generated using Jet framework. Corresponding example codes can be found under src/examples. All images are rendered using Mitsuba renderer.
Smoke simulation example using 150 x 180 x 75 grid:
Level set simulation example using 150 x 150 x 150 grid:
FLIP simulation example using 875k particles and 150 x 100 x 75 grid:
PCISPH example using 839k particles: