AutoNLP: faster and easier training and deployments of SOTA NLP models
You can Install AutoNLP python package via PIP. Please note you will need python >= 3.7 for AutoNLP to work properly.
pip install autonlp
Supported languages:
- English: en
- French: fr
- German: de
- Spanish: es
- Finnish: fi
Supported tasks:
- binary_classification
- multi_class_classification
- entity_extraction
First, create a project:
autonlp login --api-key YOUR_HUGGING_FACE_API_TOKEN
autonlp create_project --name sentiment_detection --language en --task binary_classification
Upload files and start the training. You need a training and a validation split. Only CSV files are supported at the moment.
# Train split
autonlp upload --project sentiment_detection --split train \
--col_mapping review:text,sentiment:target \
--files ~/datasets/train.csv
# Validation split
autonlp upload --project sentiment_detection --split valid \
--col_mapping review:text,sentiment:target \
--files ~/datasets/valid.csv
Once the files are uploaded, you can start training the model:
autonlp train --project sentiment_detection
Monitor the progress of your project.
# Project progress
autonlp project_info --name sentiment_detection
# Model metrics
autonlp metrics --model MODEL_ID
Setting up:
from autonlp import AutoNLP
client = AutoNLP()
Creating a project and uploading files to it:
project = client.create_project(name="sentiment_detection", task="binary_classification", language="en")
"review": "text",
"sentiment": "target",
# also upload a validation with split="valid"
Start the training of your models:
To monitor the progressn of your training:
After the training of your models has succeeded, you can retrieve its metrics and test it with the 🤗 Inference API:
client.predict(project="sentiment_detection", model_id=42, input_text="i love autonlp")
or use command line:
autonlp predict --project sentiment_detection --model_id 42 --sentence "i love autonlp"