SWANViewer is a tool that displays Swift, SIL, and SWIRL side-by-side. To use SWANViewer, open SwanViewer/SwanViewer.xcodeproj
with Xcode and select Run. Then, enter Swift code in the first column editor, and then press the Build button. You can also configure the build arguments. There are switches that allow you to hide specific editors. Clicking on a line in any of the three editors will highlight source information in the other editors, when available.
Note: SWANViewer will prompt you for access to your Documents because it uses a temporary (hidden) directory stored there. It does not read or write non-temporary files to your Documents directory.
Run swift package generate-xcodeproj
to generate the project.pbxproj
(it is machine specific for SPM packages).
SWANViewer relies on the jar produced by ca.ualberta.maple.swan.viewer. This jar is automatically updated by the jvm build script.