Configure your Amazon Dashbutton. After this, you have to make sure that the Button cannot access the internet. Within the popular AVM Fritzbox you have to activate the "Parental Lock" / "No Internet Policy" for your Dashbutton.
sudo pip3 install scapy-python3
sudo apt-get install tcpdump
sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/python3.4
sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump
Change the python and/or the path to the tcpdump binary to your needs. If you're using the pre-configured Smarthome-NG image from Onkelandy the correct command should be
sudo setcap cap_net_raw=eip /usr/local/bin/python3.5
Activate plugin via plugin.yaml:
class_name: Dashbutton
class_path: plugins.dashbutton
dashbutton_mac [required]
The mac address of the dash button. You can add as many mac addresses you want to your item, separated by '|'.
dashbutton_mode [required]
The value can be 'flip' or 'value. If 'flip' mode is chosen, the item type has to be 'bool' and the attribute 'dashbutton_value' will be ignored. If the configured button was pressed in this mode, the current item value is flipped. (0->1 or 1->0)
dashbutton_value [optional]
If 'dashbutton_mode' is set to 'value', the attribute 'dashbutton_value' has to be set. It can be a single value or a list af values. If the attribute value is a list, the values will be processed in the given order. After the last element of the list is reached, the next button press triggers the first element of the list. If a item value is changed by another action than a button press and the new item value is not in the configured list, the next dashbutton press triggers the first element.
dashbutton_reset [optional]
It is possible to configure a reset timer (in seconds). If there is no item value change after the configured time in seconds (neither a button press nor another action), the first element of the list is taken when the item is triggered the next time. This attribute will be ignored, if no list is passed to the attribute 'dashbutton_value'.
'flip' mode
name: Light DiningRoom
type: bool
knx_dpt: 1
knx_send: 1/1/1
knx_listen: 1/1/1
- cc:66:de:dd:55:11
- xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:01
- xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:02
dashbutton_mode: flip
'value' mode
name: Light Dimm DiningRoom
type: num
knx_dpt: 5
knx_send: 1/2/1
knx_listen: 1/2/1
dashbutton_mac: cc:66:de:dd:55:11
dashbutton_mode: value
dashbutton_value: 30
name: Light Dimm Kitchen
type: num
knx_dpt: 5
knx_send: 1/2/1
knx_listen: 1/2/1
- dd:11:12:55:55:22
- cc:66:de:dd:55:11
dashbutton_mode: value
- '30'
- '10'
- '20'
- '0'
dashbutton_reset: 240