DGL-Go is a command line tool for users to get started with training, using and studying Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Data scientists can quickly apply GNNs to their problems, whereas researchers will find it useful to customize their experiments.
DGL-Go requires DGL v0.8+ so please make sure DGL is updated properly.
pip install dglgo
python setup.py install
Type dgl
in your console:
Usage: dgl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
configure Generate a configuration file
export Export a runnable python script
recipe Get example recipes
train Launch training
Using DGL-Go is as easy as three steps:
- Use
dgl configure
to pick the task, dataset and model of your interests. It generates a configuration file for later use. You could also usedgl recipe get
to retrieve a configuration file we provided. - Use
dgl train
to launch training according to the configuration and see the results. - Use
dgl export
to generate a self-contained, reproducible Python script for advanced customization, or try the model on custom data stored in CSV format.
Next, we will walk through all these steps one-by-one.
Let's use one of the most classical setups -- training a GraphSAGE model for node classification on the Cora citation graph dataset as an example.
First step, use dgl configure
to generate a YAML configuration file.
dgl configure nodepred --data cora --model sage --cfg cora_sage.yaml
Note that nodepred
is the name of DGL-Go pipeline. For now, you can think of
pipeline as training task: nodepred
is for node multiclass classification task; other
options include linkpred
for link prediction task, and graphpred
for graph binary classification etc. The command will
generate a configurate file cora_sage.yaml
which includes:
- Options for the selected dataset (i.e.,
here). - Model hyperparameters (e.g., number of layers, hidden size, etc.).
- Training hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, loss function, etc.).
Different choices of task, model and datasets may give very different options, so DGL-Go also adds a comment per option for explanation. At this point you can also change options to explore optimization potentials.
The snippet below shows the configuration file generated by the command above.
version: 0.0.2
pipeline_name: nodepred
pipeline_mode: train
device: cpu
name: cora
split_ratio: # Ratio to generate split masks, for example set to [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] for 80% train/10% val/10% test. Leave blank to use builtin split in original dataset
name: sage
embed_size: -1 # The dimension of created embedding table. -1 means using original node embedding
hidden_size: 16 # Hidden size.
num_layers: 1 # Number of hidden layers.
activation: relu # Activation function name under torch.nn.functional
dropout: 0.5 # Dropout rate.
aggregator_type: gcn # Aggregator type to use (``mean``, ``gcn``, ``pool``, ``lstm``).
patience: 20 # Steps before early stop
checkpoint_path: checkpoint.pth # Early stop checkpoint model file path
num_epochs: 200 # Number of training epochs
eval_period: 5 # Interval epochs between evaluations
name: Adam
lr: 0.01
weight_decay: 0.0005
loss: CrossEntropyLoss
save_path: results # Directory to save the experiment results
num_runs: 1 # Number of experiments to run
Apart from dgl configure
, you could also get one of DGL-Go's built-in configuration files
(called recipe) using dgl recipe
. There are two sub-commands:
dgl recipe list
will list the available recipes:
➜ dgl recipe list
| Filename | Pipeline | Dataset |
| graphpred_pcba_gin.yaml | graphpred | ogbg-molpcba |
| graphpred_hiv_pna.yaml | graphpred | ogbg-molhiv |
| graphpred_hiv_gin.yaml | graphpred | ogbg-molhiv |
| linkpred_citation2_sage.yaml | linkpred | ogbl-citation2 |
| linkpred_collab_sage.yaml | linkpred | ogbl-collab |
| nodepred_citeseer_sage.yaml | nodepred | citeseer |
| nodepred_citeseer_gcn.yaml | nodepred | citeseer |
| nodepred-ns_arxiv_gcn.yaml | nodepred-ns | ogbn-arxiv |
| nodepred_cora_gat.yaml | nodepred | cora |
| nodepred_pubmed_sage.yaml | nodepred | pubmed |
| linkpred_cora_sage.yaml | linkpred | cora |
| nodepred_pubmed_gcn.yaml | nodepred | pubmed |
| nodepred_pubmed_gat.yaml | nodepred | pubmed |
| nodepred_cora_gcn.yaml | nodepred | cora |
| nodepred_cora_sage.yaml | nodepred | cora |
| nodepred_citeseer_gat.yaml | nodepred | citeseer |
| nodepred-ns_product_sage.yaml | nodepred-ns | ogbn-products |
Then use
dgl recipe get nodepred_cora_sage.yaml
to copy the YAML configuration file to your local folder.
Simply run dgl train --cfg cora_sage.yaml
will start the training process.
Epoch 00190 | Loss 1.5225 | TrainAcc 0.9500 | ValAcc 0.6840
Epoch 00191 | Loss 1.5416 | TrainAcc 0.9357 | ValAcc 0.6840
Epoch 00192 | Loss 1.5391 | TrainAcc 0.9357 | ValAcc 0.6840
Epoch 00193 | Loss 1.5257 | TrainAcc 0.9643 | ValAcc 0.6840
Epoch 00194 | Loss 1.5196 | TrainAcc 0.9286 | ValAcc 0.6840
EarlyStopping counter: 12 out of 20
Epoch 00195 | Loss 1.4862 | TrainAcc 0.9643 | ValAcc 0.6760
Epoch 00196 | Loss 1.5142 | TrainAcc 0.9714 | ValAcc 0.6760
Epoch 00197 | Loss 1.5145 | TrainAcc 0.9714 | ValAcc 0.6760
Epoch 00198 | Loss 1.5174 | TrainAcc 0.9571 | ValAcc 0.6760
Epoch 00199 | Loss 1.5235 | TrainAcc 0.9714 | ValAcc 0.6760
Test Accuracy 0.7740
Accuracy across 1 runs: 0.774 ± 0.0
That's all! Basically you only need two commands to train a graph neural network.
That's not everything yet. You may want to open the hood and invoke deeper customization. DGL-Go can export a self-contained, reproducible Python script for you to do anything you like.
Try dgl export --cfg cora_sage.yaml --output script.py
and you'll get the script used to train the model. Here's the code snippet:
class GraphSAGE(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
data_info: dict,
embed_size: int = -1,
hidden_size: int = 16,
num_layers: int = 1,
activation: str = "relu",
dropout: float = 0.5,
aggregator_type: str = "gcn"):
"""GraphSAGE model
data_info : dict
The information about the input dataset.
embed_size : int
The dimension of created embedding table. -1 means using original node embedding
hidden_size : int
Hidden size.
num_layers : int
Number of hidden layers.
dropout : float
Dropout rate.
activation : str
Activation function name under torch.nn.functional
aggregator_type : str
Aggregator type to use (``mean``, ``gcn``, ``pool``, ``lstm``).
super(GraphSAGE, self).__init__()
self.data_info = data_info
self.embed_size = embed_size
if embed_size > 0:
self.embed = nn.Embedding(data_info["num_nodes"], embed_size)
in_size = embed_size
in_size = data_info["in_size"]
self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.activation = getattr(nn.functional, activation)
for i in range(num_layers):
in_hidden = hidden_size if i > 0 else in_size
out_hidden = hidden_size if i < num_layers - \
1 else data_info["out_size"]
def forward(self, graph, node_feat, edge_feat=None):
if self.embed_size > 0:
"The embedding for node feature is used, and input node_feat is ignored, due to the provided embed_size.")
h = self.embed.weight
h = node_feat
h = self.dropout(h)
for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
h = layer(graph, h, edge_feat)
if l != len(self.layers) - 1:
h = self.activation(h)
h = self.dropout(h)
return h
def train(cfg, pipeline_cfg, device, data, model, optimizer, loss_fcn):
g = data[0] # Only train on the first graph
g = dgl.remove_self_loop(g)
g = dgl.add_self_loop(g)
g = g.to(device)
node_feat = g.ndata.get('feat', None)
edge_feat = g.edata.get('feat', None)
label = g.ndata['label']
train_mask, val_mask, test_mask = g.ndata['train_mask'].bool(
), g.ndata['val_mask'].bool(), g.ndata['test_mask'].bool()
stopper = EarlyStopping(**pipeline_cfg['early_stop'])
val_acc = 0.
for epoch in range(pipeline_cfg['num_epochs']):
logits = model(g, node_feat, edge_feat)
loss = loss_fcn(logits[train_mask], label[train_mask])
train_acc = accuracy(logits[train_mask], label[train_mask])
if epoch != 0 and epoch % pipeline_cfg['eval_period'] == 0:
val_acc = accuracy(logits[val_mask], label[val_mask])
if stopper.step(val_acc, model):
print("Epoch {:05d} | Loss {:.4f} | TrainAcc {:.4f} | ValAcc {:.4f}".
format(epoch, loss.item(), train_acc, val_acc))
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(g, node_feat, edge_feat)
test_acc = accuracy(logits[test_mask], label[test_mask])
return test_acc
def main(run, cfg, data):
device = cfg['device']
pipeline_cfg = cfg['general_pipeline']
# create model
model = GraphSAGE(**cfg["model"])
model = model.to(device)
loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
# train
test_acc = train(cfg, pipeline_cfg, device, data, model, optimizer, loss)
torch.save({'cfg': cfg, 'model': model.state_dict()},
os.path.join(pipeline_cfg["save_path"], 'run_{}.pth'.format(run)))
return test_acc
if __name__ == '__main__':
# load data
data = AsNodePredDataset(CoraGraphDataset())
model_cfg = cfg["model"]
cfg["model"]["data_info"] = {
"in_size": model_cfg['embed_size'] if model_cfg['embed_size'] > 0 else data[0].ndata['feat'].shape[1],
"out_size": data.num_classes,
"num_nodes": data[0].num_nodes()
all_acc = []
num_runs = 1
for run in range(num_runs):
print(f'Run experiment #{run}')
test_acc = main(run, cfg, data)
print("Test Accuracy {:.4f}".format(test_acc))
avg_acc = np.round(np.mean(all_acc), 6)
std_acc = np.round(np.std(all_acc), 6)
print(f'Accuracy across {num_runs} runs: {avg_acc} ± {std_acc}')
You can see that everything is collected into one Python script which includes the
entire GraphSAGE
model definition, data processing and training loop. Simply running
python script.py
will give you the exact same result as you've seen by dgl train
At this point, you can change any part as you wish such as plugging your own GNN module,
changing the loss function and so on.
DGL-Go supports training a model on custom dataset by DGL's CSVDataset
Follow the tutorial at Loading data from CSV files to prepare your dataset. Generally, the dataset folder should include:
- At least one CSV file for node data.
- At least one CSV file for edge data.
- A metadata file called
dgl configure nodepred --data csv --model sage --cfg csv_sage.yaml
to generate the configuration file. You will see that the file includes a section like the followings:
name: csv
split_ratio: # Ratio to generate split masks, for example set to [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] for 80% train/10% val/10% test. Leave blank to use builtin split in original dataset
data_path: ./ # metadata.yaml, nodes.csv, edges.csv should in this folder
Fill in the data_path
option with the path to your dataset folder.
If your dataset does not have any native split for training, validation and test sets,
you can set the split ratio in the split_ratio
option, which will
generate a random split for you.
Then you can do the same as the tutorial above, either train the model by
dgl train --cfg csv_sage.yaml
or use dgl export --cfg csv_sage.yaml --output script.py
to get the training script.
Q: What are the available options for each command?
A: You can use --help
for all commands. For example, use dgl --help
for general
help message; use dgl configure --help
for the configuration options; use
dgl configure nodepred --help
for the configuration options of node prediction pipeline.
Q: What exactly is nodepred/linkpred? How many are they?
A: They are called DGL-Go pipelines. A pipeline represents the training methodology for
a certain task. Therefore, its naming convention is <task_name>[-<method_name>]. For example,
trains the selected GNN model for node classification using full-graph training method;
while nodepred-ns
trains the model for node classifiation but using neighbor sampling.
Currently DGL-Go provides four training pipelines (nodepred
, nodepred-ns
, linkpred
, and graphpred
). Use dgl configure --help
to see
all the available pipelines.
Q: How to add my model to the official model recipe zoo? A: Currently not supported. We will enable this feature soon. Please stay tuned!
Q: After training a model on some dataset, how can I apply it to another one?
A: The save_path
option in the generated configuration file allows you to specify the directory to save the experiment results. After training, {save_path}/run_{i}.pth
will be the checkpoint for the i-th run, consisting of the training configuration and trained model state dict. You can then use dgl apply
as follows.
dgl configure-apply X --data Y --cpt {save_path}/run_{i}.pth --cfg Z
dgl apply --cfg Z
is the pipeline name as indgl configure
is the dataset to apply and can be omitted if you are applying the trained model to the training dataset.Z
is the configuration file and a default value will be used if not specified.
You can also use dgl export --cfg Z
to generate a python script for further modification.