Yeoman generator for Zurb Foundation with:
- Foundation 6 (Foundation 5 option)
- Sass compiling (LibSass / Compass options)
- Browserify dependency bundling
- Gulp automation
- BrowserSync server with live reloading
- Babel for ECMAScript 6 (2015 preset)
- Bourbon mixin library (option)
- Jade templating engine (option)
- Font Awesome (option)
If Yeoman isn't already installed:
npm install -g yo
Install the generator from npm:
npm install -g generator-foundation-browserify
Navigate to your target directory and initiate the generator:
yo foundation-gulp-browserify
Run gulp
to start the server and watch for changes:
Include the --prod
flag to export production-ready minified files with ES2015 polyfills (note: increases gulp task time, leave off for dev purposes):
gulp --prod
Edit html/jade, scss and js files in the src
Gulp will serve finalized versions to the build