Van Dijk, David, et al. "Recovering Gene Interactions from Single-Cell Data Using Data Diffusion." Cell (2018).
MAGIC has been implemented in Python3 and Matlab. See below for installation and Usage.
The Python3 version of MAGIC can be installed using:
$> git clone git:// $> cd magic $> sudo -H pip3 install .
MAGIC depends on a number of
packages available on pypi and these dependencies are listed
All the dependencies will be automatically installed using the above commands -
After pulling updates to MAGIC from github, the package must be uninstalled and reinstalled:
$> sudo -H pip3 uninstall magic $> sudo -H pip3 install .
- run_magic.m -- MAGIC imputation function
- test_magic.m -- Shows how to run MAGIC. Also included is a function for loading 10x format data (load_10x.m)
A tutorial on MAGIC usage and results visualization for single cell RNA-seq data can be found in this notebook:
A python GUI is now available for MAGIC. After following the installation steps listed below, the GUI can be invoked using
MAGIC can be run using the command line script
with the following parameters:
$> -h
usage: [-h] -d D -o O [-g G] [--gene-name-file GN]
[--use-ensemble-ids] [--cell-axis CA] [--skip-rows SKIP_ROWS]
[--skip-columns SKIP_COLUMNS] [-n] [-l L]
[--mols-per-cell-min MOLS_PER_CELL_MIN]
[--mols-per-cell-max MOLS_PER_CELL_MAX] [-p P]
[--pca-non-random] [-t T] [-k K] [-ka KA] [-e E] [-r R]
positional arguments:
{csv,10x,mtx} what is the file type of your original data?
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
data loading parameters:
-d D, --data-file D File path of input data file.
-o O, --output-file O
File path of where to save the MAGIC imputed data (in
csv format).
-g G, --genome G Genome must be specified when loading 10x_HDF5 data.
--gene-name-file GN Gene name file must be specified when loading mtx
--use-ensemble-ids Use ensemble IDs instead of gene names.
--cell-axis CA When loading a csv, specify whether cells are on rows
or columns (Default = 'rows').
--skip-rows SKIP_ROWS
When loading a csv, number of rows to skip after the
header row (Default = 0).
--skip-columns SKIP_COLUMNS
When loading a csv, number of columns to skip after
the header columns (Default = 0).
normalization/filtering parameters:
-n, --no-normalize Do not perform library size normalization on the data
-l L, --log-transform L
Log-transform data with the specified pseudocount.
--mols-per-cell-min MOLS_PER_CELL_MIN
Minimum molecules/cell to use in filtering.
--mols-per-cell-max MOLS_PER_CELL_MAX
Maximum molecules/cell to use in filtering.
MAGIC parameters:
-p P, --pca-components P
Number of pca components to use when running MAGIC
(Default = 20).
--pca-non-random Do not used randomized solver in PCA computation.
-t T t parameter for running MAGIC (Default = 6).
-k K Number of nearest neighbors to use when running MAGIC
(Default = 30).
-ka KA knn-autotune parameter for running MAGIC (Default =
-e E, --epsilon E Epsilon parameter for running MAGIC (Default = 1).
-r R, --rescale R Percentile to rescale data to after running MAGIC
(Default = 99).