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269 lines (168 loc) · 7.96 KB

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269 lines (168 loc) · 7.96 KB

0.14.0 (git master)


  • the-graph CSS themes are now in the dist/ folder instead of theme/ folder
  • editor.getDefaultMenus method has now been removed

Internal changes:

  • Now using WebPack for the builds

0.12.0 (2018 February 19)

New features

  • the-graph-render: CLI tool for a graph to PNG/JPEG/SVG output. This is especially useful for generating images for documentation purposes. Implemented by executing the-graph codebase in a browser using JsJob. Some of the rendering API is available experimentally under TheGraph.render, or one can execute the .jsjob programatically in Node.js.

0.11.1 (2017 December 27)


  • Fix node menu not showing due missing require(). Regression in 0.11.0

0.11.0 (2017 December 27)

Breaking changes

  • Upgraded from React 14 to React 15. It is no longer a dependency, so applications using the-graph can (and must) pull in an appropriate version.

Internal changes

  • Tests are now using Jest instead of Mocha/Chai. They are ran locally against JsDom, which makes them also in Pull Requests which was not possible with Saucelabs.
  • More migration of code into proper CommonJS modules

0.10.2 (2017 August 23)


  • Fixed unable to create edge from node context menu

0.10.1 (2017 August 17)


  • Fixed compatibility with browsers only supporting TouchEvent, including Safari on iOS.
  • Fixed exception on long-press if no menu was defined

UI changes

  • Movement threshold for starting panning reduced, making it a bit easier

0.10.0 (2017 June 28)

UI changes

  • Edges cannot be dropped on target port. Have to tap to complete edge connection.
  • Menu item cannot be opened by swiping and releasing. Have to tap to perform menu action.

Breaking changes

  • Polymer element the-graph-thumb has been removed. Should instead use the JavaScript API TheGraph.thumb.render(), as shown in examples/demo-thumbnail.html.
  • Polymer element the-graph-nav has been removed. Should instead use the new React component TheGraph.nav.Component, as shown in examples/demo-full.html
  • Polymer element the-graph has been removed. Use React component TheGraph.Graph instead.
  • Polymer element the-graph-editor has been removed. Use React component TheGraph.App instead, as shown in examples/demo-simple.html

Deprecated APIs, to be removed

  • TheGraph.editor.getDefaultMenus(), should be explicitly set by app.
  • TheGraph.autolayout.applyAutolayout(), should be included in app if wanted.
  • TheGraph.App::updateIcon(), should instead pass nodeIcons prop.
  • TheGraph.App::getComponent(), should instead use info from the passed in library prop.
  • Property getMenuDef of TheGraph.App is deprecated, should pass the data in menus prop instead.
  • All methods on React elements are planned to be deprecated in favor of passing props.

Added APIs

  • TheGraph.library.libraryFromGraph(), returns component library from a fbp-graph.Graph instance in format compatible with the library prop.


  • Changing graph prop of React element should now correctly reset and follow new graph instance.

Internal changes

  • Usage of PolymerGestures has been replaced by hammer.js
  • No longer depends on Polymer or webcomponents
  • All dependencies are installed via NPM, bower is no longer used
  • Some more modules have been converted to proper CommonJS

0.9.0 (2017 May 6)

New features

  • the-graph-editor Polymer element and Graph React component now support a readonly property. When set to true, destructive actions

Internal changes

  • menuCallback: An empty object is considered falsy and will not show a menu.

0.8.0 (2017 May 6)


  • fbp-graph dependency is now exposed as fbpGraph on the top-level module. Ex: TheGraph.fbpGraph when including dist/the-graph.js.

Breaking changes

  • Polymer element the-graph-nav no longer takes and directly manipulates editor. Instead it fires events like panto. And it expects graph and view attributes to be set. Tapping the element does not manipulate anything, only fires the tap event. See examples/demo-full.html for usage.
  • Polymer element the-graph-editor no longer accepts a JSON string as input for graph property. Instead the property must always be a fbpGraph.Graph instance. The event graphInitialised, which was used for this old async behavior has also been removed.

0.7.0 (2017 March 2)

Breaking changes

  • Polymer elements no longer automatically include the neccesary JS files. Instead users must include dist/the-graph.js, which bundles the needed JavaScript and provides API under window.TheGraph. The file is included in the-graph NPM packages. This is preparation for removing the Polymer dependency, instead providing JS APIs and React components.

0.6.0 (2017 January 5)

  • Add all dependencies besides Polymer to NPM. In the fututure NPM will be the recommended way to install, and Bower is considered deprecated.

0.5.0 (2017 January 5)

  • Depend on fbp-graph instead of NoFlo. Build size significantly reduced.
  • Examples were cleaned up and can now be found under examples/

0.4.4 (2016 July 27)

  • Arrows on edges (#277) thanks @ifitzpatrick
  • Font Awesome 4.6.3

0.4.2 (2016 June 24)

  • Fix pinch on touch screens (#286)

0.4.1 (2016 May 23)

  • Hotkeys: delete, f for fit, s to zoom selection (#272) thanks @ifitzpatrick

0.4.0 (2015 December 5)

  • React 0.14.3 (#231) thanks @u39kun

0.3.12 (2015 September 30)

  • Build dependencies
  • JSHint with inline scripts; remove grunt-lint-inline
  • Polymer 0.5.6
  • Fix tooltip bug (#226)
  • Fix pinch-to-zoom crash (introduced with #218)

0.3.11 (2015 August 6)

  • Fire graphInitialised event (#204)
  • Allow max/min zoom parameterised (#218)
  • Ports of type 'any' highlight for incoming edges (#220)
  • Better thumbnail drawing (#221)
  • (previous 4 thanks @townxelliot)
  • Icon/library fix (#223)
  • Font Awesome 4.4.0
  • React 0.13.3

0.3.10 (2015 January 23)

  • Font Awesome 4.3.0
  • React 0.12.2
  • Polymer 0.5.3 (doesn't work in Safari 7-8)

0.3.9 (2015 January 20)

  • Define offset of graph editor (#190) thanks @fabiancook
  • Improve heartbeats for animated edges (#194) thanks @lhausermann
  • Fire "nodes" event when selected nodes change
  • Fire "edges" event when selected edges change
  • Remove selection on delete (#195)

0.3.8 (2014 December 19)

  • Update to Polymer 0.5.2

0.3.7 (2014 December 11)

  • React.createFactory and displayName for all React elements
  • Can't access element key in React >=0.12.0 (reduced case)

0.3.6 (2014 December 11)

0.3.5 (Durham, 2014 November 14)

0.3.4 (London, 2014 October 23)

  • Enable SVG icon to be loaded (#178) thanks @lhausermann
  • font-awesome to 4.2.0

0.3.3 (2014 September 18)

  • Copy and paste (#167) thanks @mpricope

0.3.2 (2014 September 11)

  • Deployed with noflo-ui 0.2.0
  • map-style zooming to node (#165) thanks @djdeath

0.3.1 (2014 September 4)

  • PolymerGestures fixed with Polymer 0.4.0

0.3.0 (2014 August 21)

  • Factories for component customization (#157) thanks @hayesmg
  • Node height expands when there are many ports (#158)

0.2.6 (Helsinki, 2014 August 4)

  • lib updates
  • including noflo via npm; build with grunt browserify

0.2.5 (Helsinki, 2014 June 3)

  • grunt build now builds the Font Awesome unicode map, so we can use aliases #149

0.2.3 (Frisco, 2014 May 25)

0.2.0 (Frisco, 2014 May 17)

  • Working with Polymer 0.2.3 and native custom elements.

0.1.0 (2014 April 2)

  • First all-SVG version

0.0.2 (2014 February 24)

  • Goodbye slow DOM

0.0.1 (2013 Nov 28)

  • All custom elements