All hosts are assumed to be CentOS or RHEL or SLES OS. Assume that user has HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise software installed on 'controller' host.
- Login as
to the Web UI controller running the product. - In the left pane, under "Epic", select "Hosts".
- In the right pane, in the 'Gateway' section, enter the IP of the machine you want to be the gateway.
- You can also enter the same IP in the 'Hostname' field.
- Enter credentials s.a. username/password. Click 'Add Hosts' button. Go into the 'Site Lockdown' mode if prompted.
- Wait until the bundle is installed on the gateway host. Its status should show as 'Installed'.
- In the left pane, under "K8S", select "Hosts".
- Enter the IPs (separated by comas) of the VMs or physical hosts. Provide user credentials that will be used to login into them, such as username/password. Click "Submit" button. Wait for the bundle to be installed on the hosts and for their state to be "ready".
- In the left pane, under "K8S" select "Clusters".
- In the right pane, click "Create K8s Cluster" button.
- Fill out the form for cluster creation. Specify one of the K8s hosts as Master and two or more as workers.
- Choose the k8s version as '1.26'.
- Click 'Submit' button.
- Wait for the cluster to be in 'ready state'. This might take a while.
- From terminal on your machine, ssh into the k8s cluster master node with the user/password you've setup in prior step.
- mkdir /root/bin
- VERSION=0.56.14 OS=linux && curl -L "${VERSION}/sonobuoy_${VERSION}_${OS}_amd64.tar.gz" --output $HOME/bin/sonobuoy.tar.gz && tar -xzf $HOME/bin/sonobuoy.tar.gz -C $HOME/bin && chmod +x $HOME/bin/sonobuoy && rm $HOME/bin/sonobuoy.tar.gz
- sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance
- sonobuoy status (until status shown as completed)
- sonobuoy retrieve will give you <OUTPUT.tgz> file
- sonobuoy results <OUTPUT.tgz> file
- sonobuoy delete
- Login as
to the Web UI controller running the product. - In the left pane, under "K8S" select "Clusters"
- In the right pane, select the cluster and click "Destroy Cluster" button.