This is my (drltc's) raw notes from going through the code.
None of this necessarily makes any sense to anyone but me.
But there might be some useful information in here, so I'm adding it.
- Bitcoin: 1NfGejohzoVGffAD1CnCRgo9vApjCU2viY
- Litecoin: LiUGs9sqH6GBHsvzpNtLCoyXB5aCDi9HsQ
- Dogecoin: DTy5q7uUQ1whqyUrwC1LbhgqwKgovJT5R7
- Protoshares (BitShares-PTS): PZxpdC8RqWsdU3pVJeobZY7JFKVPfNpy5z
- BTSX: drltc
Packed unsigned integers are in little endian order, 7 bits each, high bit set on all except last byte.
Proxy chain server with HTTP, then start another instance and download chain.
sudo -u btsxt -H mkdir -p ~btsxt/BitSharesDownloadTest
sudo -u btsxt -H cat ~btsxt/.BitSharesXTS-Test19/config.json | sed -e 's/"chain_servers": \[\]/"chain_servers": \[""\]/' | sudo -u btsxt -H sh -c 'cat >~btsxt/BitSharesDownloadTest/config.json'
sudo -u btsxt -H sh -c 'socat -x tcp-listen:11230,reuseaddr tcp: 2> ~btsxt/BitSharesDownloadTest/socket.out' &
sudo -u btsxt -H programs/client/bitshares_client --p2p-port 11234 --chain-server-port 11235 --disable-default-peers
sudo -u btsxt -H programs/client/bitshares_client --p2p-port 11236 --resync-blockchain --disable-default-peers --data-dir ~btsxt/BitSharesDownloadTest
Here is what the conversation looks like:
server: (uint32_t) PROTOCOL_VERSION
client: (enum chain_server_commands) COMMAND
Apparently enum_chain_server_commands
is uint64_t
. Where
When COMMAND is... finish = 0
we see the server does this:
server: (close connection)
When COMMAND is... get_blocks_from_number = 1
We see the following conversation: client: (uint32_t) start_block
while(server has more blocks):
server: (uint32_t) blocks_to_send
for each block:
server: (full_block) blocks
server: (uint32_t) 0
Here is my rough notes of the formats of everything:
full_block : block_header delegate_signature user_transaction_ids signed_transactions
typedef vector<signed_transaction> signed_transactions; typedef fc::ripemd160 block_id_type; typedef fc::sha256 digest_type; typedef fc::ripemd160 secret_hash_type;
struct full_block { // block_header block_id_type previous; uint32_t block_num; fc::time_point_sec timestamp; // uint32_t digest_type transaction_digest; secret_hash_type next_secret_hash; secret_hash_type previous_secret;
// delegate_signature
signature_type delegate_signature;
// user_transaction_ids
signed_transactions user_transactions;
struct signed_transaction { // transaction fc::time_point_sec expiration; optional<slate_id_type> delegate_slate_id; // delegate being voted for in required payouts vector operations;
// signed_transaction
vector<fc::ecc::compact_signature> signatures;
enum operation_type_enum { null_op_type = 0,
/** balance operations */
withdraw_op_type = 1,
deposit_op_type = 2,
/** account operations */
register_account_op_type = 3,
update_account_op_type = 4,
withdraw_pay_op_type = 5,
/** asset operations */
create_asset_op_type = 6,
update_asset_op_type = 7,
issue_asset_op_type = 8,
/** delegate operations */
fire_delegate_op_type = 9,
/** proposal operations */
submit_proposal_op_type = 10,
vote_proposal_op_type = 11,
/** market operations */
bid_op_type = 12,
ask_op_type = 13,
short_op_type = 14,
cover_op_type = 15,
add_collateral_op_type = 16,
remove_collateral_op_type = 17,
define_delegate_slate_op_type = 18,
update_feed_op_type = 19
/** * A poly-morphic operator that modifies the blockchain database * is some manner. */ struct operation { fc::enum_type<uint8_t,operation_type_enum> type; std::vector data; };
void signed_transaction::sign( const fc::ecc::private_key& signer, const digest_type& chain_id ) { signatures.push_back( signer.sign_compact( digest(chain_id) ) ); }
void transaction::define_delegate_slate( delegate_slate s ) { FC_ASSERT( s.supported_delegates.size() > 0 ) operations.emplace_back( define_delegate_slate_operation( std::move(s) ) ); }
start_block = max(start_block, 1);
typedef fc::array<unsigned char,65> compact_signature;
typedef fc::ecc::compact_signature signature_type;
typedef uint64_t slate_id_type;
optional: 8 byte aligned, plus bool valid.
Vectors of things are sent by packed integer length, followed by data. Optional things are sent by a single flag byte indicating true/false, followed by data if flag byte was true.
Where is the size of COMMAND specified? Does network protocol become incompatible when compiled as 32 bits?
Server sends PROTOCOL_VERSION (uint32_t) Currently 0