docker-compose build
# Generate key
docker-compose run uwallet generate
# Show balance
docker-compose run uwallet balance
# Show current waller
docker-compose run uwallet addr
# Send money
docker-compose run uwallet send ADDRESS VALUE
# Example: docker-compose run uwallet send tb1qldpy0a97npgh2vayq8pzeyvt5c9sv8zryz253g 0.00001
# Show help
docker-compose run uwallet help
Note: The key in the base58key.txt file has already been generated, there is a small amount in the wallet. You can either delete it and generate a new one or test on it
If the translation is successful, you should receive a message of the form:
Transaction ID: 6e96f808ab35630063fb039e00d508c669d71e18d1b2594c5006850ac23d1b34
Sent amount: 0.00001000 BTC
Cashback: 0.00103231 BTC
Fee: 0.00000374 BTC
bundle install
# Generate key
ruby bin/uwallet.rb generate
# Show balance
ruby bin/uwallet.rb balance
# Show current wallet
ruby bin/uwallet.rb addr
# Send money
ruby bin/uwallet.rb send ADDRESS VALUE
# Example: ruby bin/uwallet.rb send tb1qldpy0a97npgh2vayq8pzeyvt5c9sv8zryz253g 0.00001
# Help__
ruby bin/uwallet.rb help