Colab Notebooks covering deep learning tools for biomolecular structure prediction and design
A trainable PyTorch reproduction of AlphaFold 3.
Official repo for Recursion's accepted spotlight paper at NeurIPS 2023 Generative AI & Biology workshop.
A curated list of Cheminformatics libraries and software.
Practical Cheminformatics Tutorials
A curated list of Python packages related to chemistry
Message Passing Neural Networks for Molecule Property Prediction
A python library for multi omics included bulk, single cell and spatial RNA-seq analysis.
A collection of awesome things regarding all omics.
List of software packages for multi-omics analysis
TeachOpenCADD: a teaching platform for computer-aided drug design (CADD) using open source packages and data
OpenChem: Deep Learning toolkit for Computational Chemistry and Drug Design Research
A powerful and flexible machine learning platform for drug discovery
Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell and spatial omics data
Democratizing Deep-Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology
A list of deep learning implementations in biology
A curated list of awesome Bioinformatics libraries and software.
🔬 Path to a free self-taught education in Bioinformatics!
Working with molecular structures in pandas DataFrames
Google BigQuery connector for pandas
pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, Neptune, OpenSearch, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (…
PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
Recipes for using Python's pandas library
Practice your pandas skills!
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