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This tool allows you to interact with the HSE REST API. It supports various views of the original JSON data including plain and tabular output depending on the endpoint. It is a dynamic tool based on parsing of the OpenAPI description.


In order to contribute, you need to understand the OpenAPI specification. The specification allows for extensions using fields that begin with x-. The HSE OpenAPI description is marked up with extension fields in order to create a useful tool.

Specification Extensions


A few of the operations are commonly used, so providing an alias with a more memorable value can be convenient.


String matching ^[a-z]+[a-z-]?[a-z]+$.


Some of our operations are not particularly useful unless you really need that information. If set to true, the operation will be hidden from the root help output unless verbosity is enabled.




Used to add options to a particular operation. This can include help, format, or any other option.


Array of options:

    // Long option name.
    "long": "string",
    // Short option name.
    "short": "string",
    // Description of the option.
    "description": "string",
    // Whether an argument is required for the option, assumed false.
    "requires-argument": "boolean (optional)",
    // Parameter that the option is tied to.
    "parameter": "pointer"


Used to describe various output formats that an operation supports.

  // Supports a JSON output.
  "json": {},
  // Supports a plain output.
  "plain": {},
  // Supports a tabular output.
  "tab": {
    // Type of tabular output.
    "type": "array|flattened|custom",
    // Depends on type.
    "config": {}
Array Config
  "columns": {
    // Column header mapped to a JSON pointer that will index an entry in an
    // object of the array.
    "header": "pointer"
Flattened Config

Used only for outputting .../params endpoints.

  // Must be a length of 2.
  "columns": [
Custom Config

custom views require a little bit of manual work. You must create a new .c file that exports a few symbols based on the operationId of the operation (request). Wherever your symbol has -, change it to _ for the symbol names.

  • const char *$operationId_headers[] of headers.
  • size_t $operationId_columnc - number of headers.
  • enum $operationId_justify[] - justification of columns.
  • merr_t $operationId_free_values(int len, char **values) - free data that was previously allocated.
  • merr_t $operationId_parse_values(cJSON *body, int *len, char ***values) - function to parse the request output into an array of values. len is number of rows. values is supposed to be allocated for columnc * len string pointers.