The xAzurePack module contains resources for installation and configuration of Windows Azure Pack.
This module includes 8 DSC resources that automate provisioning of resources in Microsoft Azure.
- xAzurePackSetup: for installation and initialization of Azure Pack
- xAzurePackUpdate: for updating an Azure Pack installation
- xAzurePackAdmin: for adding Azure Pack admins
- xAzurePackFQDN: for setting the FQDN of Azure Pack roles
- xAzurePackDatabaseSetting: for setting Azure Pack database settings
- xAzurePackIdentityProvider: for setting Azure Pack identity provider settings
- xAzurePackRelyingParty: for setting Azure Pack relying party settings
- xAzurePackResourceProvider: for registering and configuring Azure Pack resource providers
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
Role: KEY - The Azure Pack role to be installed or initialized. Valid roles are "Admin API","Tenant API","Tenant Public API","SQL Server Extension","MySQL Extension","Admin Site","Admin Authentication Site","Tenant Site","Tenant Authentication Site".
Action: KEY - Install or initialize. Each role must be installed then initialized.
SourcePath: REQUIRED - UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
SetupCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
Passphrase: Passphrase for the Azure Pack deployment. If omitted, the password for SetupCredential is used.
SQLServer: Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbUser: SQL user to be used to create the database if the SetupCredential cannot be used.
EnableCeip: Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program.
Role: KEY - The Azure Pack role to be updated. Valid roles are "Admin API","Tenant API","Tenant Public API","SQL Server Extension","MySQL Extension","Admin Site","Admin Authentication Site","Tenant Site","Tenant Authentication Site".
SourcePath: REQUIRED - UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
SetupCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
Ensure: An enumerated value that describes if the principal is an Azure Pack admin.
Principal: KEY - The Azure Pack admin principal.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
SQLServer: REQUIRED - Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbuser: SQL user used to create the database.
Namespace: KEY - Specifies a namespace - "AdminSite", "AuthSite", "TenantSite", or "WindowsAuthSite".
FullyQualifiedDomainName: REQUIRED - Specifies a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Port: Specifies a port number.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
SQLServer: REQUIRED - Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbuser: SQL user used to create the database.
Namespace: KEY - Specifies a namespace - "AdminSite" or "TenantSite"
Name: KEY - Specifies the name of the setting.
Value: REQUIRED - Specifies the value of the setting.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
SQLServer: REQUIRED - Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbuser: SQL user used to create the database.
Target: KEY - Specifies the target site - "Membership" or "Windows".
FullyQualifiedDomainName: REQUIRED - Specifies a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Port: Specifies a port number.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
SQLServer: REQUIRED - Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbuser: SQL user used to create the database.
Target: KEY - Specifies the target site - "Admin" or "Tenant".
FullyQualifiedDomainName: REQUIRED - Specifies a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Port: Specifies a port number.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
SQLServer: REQUIRED - Database server for the Azure Pack databases.
SQLInstance: Database instance for the Azure Pack databases.
dbuser: SQL user used to create the database.
AuthenticationSite: REQUIRED - URL of the authentication site.
AdminUri: REQUIRED - Specifies the URI of the Windows Azure Pack administrator API.
Name: KEY - Specifies the name of a resource provider.
AzurePackAdminCredential: REQUIRED - Credential to be used to perform the installation.
DisplayName: Specifies the display name of a resource provider.
Enabled: Enables the resource provider.
PassthroughEnabled: Indicates whether the resource provider supports API pass-through.
AllowAnonymousAccess: Specifies the URI of the Windows Azure Pack administrator API.
AllowMultipleInstances: Indicates that the cmdlet allows multiple instances of the resource provider.
AdminForwardingAddress: Specifies an administrative forwarding address for a resource provider.
AdminAuthenticationMode: Specifies the administrative authentication mode for a resource provider - "None", "Basic", or "Windows".
AdminAuthenticationUser: Specifies, as a PSCredential object, an administrative user name and password to connect to a resource provider.
AdminAuthenticationUsername: Output for the administrative user name.
TenantForwardingAddress: Specifies the tenant forwarding address of a resource provider.
TenantAuthenticationMode: Specifies the tenant authentication mode for a resource provider - "None", "Basic", or "Windows".
TenantAuthenticationUser: Specifies, as a PSCredential object, a tenant user name and password to connect to a resource provider.
TenantAuthenticationUsername: Output for the tenant user name.
TenantSourceUriTemplate: Specifies the tenant source URI template of a resource provider.
TenantTargetUriTemplate: Specifies the tenant target URI template of a resource provider.
UsageForwardingAddress: Specifies the tenant forwarding address of a resource provider.
UsageAuthenticationMode: Specifies the usage authentication mode for a resource provider - "None", "Basic", or "Windows".
UsageAuthenticationUser: Specifies, as a PSCredential object, a usage user name and password to connect to a resource provider.
UsageAuthenticationUsername: Output for the usage user name.
HealthCheckForwardingAddress: Specifies the health check forwarding address for a resource provider.
HealthCheckAuthenticationMode: Specifies the health check authentication mode for a resource provider - "None", "Basic", or "Windows".
HealthCheckAuthenticationUser: Specifies, as a PSCredential object, a health check user name and password to connect to a resource provider.
HealthCheckAuthenticationUsername: Output for the health check user name.
NotificationForwardingAddress: Specifies the notification forwarding address of a resource provider.
NotificationAuthenticationMode: Specifies the notification authentication mode for a resource provider - "None", "Basic", or "Windows".
NotificationAuthenticationUser: Specifies, as a PSCredential object, a notification user name and password to connect to a resource provider.
NotificationAuthenticationUsername: Output for the notification user name.
InstanceId: Specifies an ID for an instance of a resource provider.
InstanceDisplayName: Specifies a display name for an instance of a resource provider.
MaxQuotaUpdateBatchSize: Specifies the number of subscriptions that can be updated in a single request.
SubscriptionStatusPollingInterval: Specifies the time interval at which the management service polls the resource provider for subscription status updates.
Type: Specifies the type of the resource provider - "Standard", "UsageProvider", or "CloudServiceProvider".
- Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
- Added default template files .codecov.yml, .gitattributes, and .gitignore, and .vscode folder.
- Includes compatibility for Update Rollup 9.1
- Includes compatibility for Update Rollups 6/7/8
- Includes update for Update Rollup 8
- Includes dbuser parameter for installation
- Multiple minor fixes for split deployments
- Update increased timeout for setup process to start to 60 seconds.
Initial release with the following resources
- xAzurePackSetup
- xAzurePackAdmin
- xAzurePackFQDN
- xAzurePackDatabaseSetting
- xAzurePackIdentityProvider
- xAzurePackRelyingParty
- xAzurePackResourceProvider
An example configuration is included in the Examples folder within the module, which also uses the xSQLServer module and xCredSSP modules
AzurePack-SeperateSQL.ps1 installs all Azure Pack admin and tenant servers and SQL on a seperate server.
Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.