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Implemented Effects

Below are descriptions for each of the effects included in REBOUNDx. Different implementations for the same effect are grouped together. All effects follow the same recipes for usage, see the Python quick-start guide (:ref:`python_qs`) or C quick-start guide (:ref:`c_qs`). Probably the quickest way to get up and running is to edit one of the linked examples for the effect you're interested in.

Orbit Modifications

REBOUNDx offers two ways of modifying orbital elements (semimajor axis/eccentricity/inclination damping, precession, etc.) In both cases, each particle is assigned evolution timescales for each orbital element. Positive timescales correspond to growth / progression, negative timescales correspond to damping / regression. Semimajor axes, eccentricities and inclinations grow / damp exponentially. Pericenters and nodes progress/regress linearly.


  1. Tamayo, H. Rein
Implementation Paper Kostov et al., 2016.
Based on Papaloizou & Larwood 2000.
C Example :ref:`c_example_modify_orbits`
Python Example Migration.ipynb EccAndIncDamping.ipynb.

This applies physical forces that orbit-average to give exponential growth/decay of the semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination. The eccentricity damping keeps the angular momentum constant (corresponding to p=1 in modify_orbits_direct), which means that eccentricity damping will induce some semimajor axis evolution. Additionally, eccentricity/inclination damping will induce pericenter/nodal precession. Both these effects are physical, and the method is more robust for strongly perturbed systems.

Effect Parameters

If coordinates not, defaults to using Jacobi coordinates.

Field (C type) Required Description
coordinates (enum) No Type of elements to use for modification (Jacobi, barycentric or particle). See the examples for usage.

Particle Parameters

One can pick and choose which particles have which parameters set. For each particle, any unset parameter is ignored.

Field (C type) Required Description
tau_a (double) No Semimajor axis exponential growth/damping timescale
tau_e (double) No Eccentricity exponential growth/damping timescale
tau_inc (double) No Inclination axis exponential growth/damping timescale


Authors Kajtazi, Kaltrina and D. Petit, C. Antoine
Implementation Paper Kajtazi et al. in prep.
Based on Pichierri et al 2018.
C example :ref:`c_example_inner_disk_edge`
Python example InnerDiskEdge.ipynb.

This applies an inner disk edge that functions as a planet trap. Within its width the planet's migration is reversed by an opposite and roughly equal magnitude torque. Thus, stopping further migration and trapping the planet within the width of the trap. The functions here provide a way to modify the tau_a timescale in modify_orbits_forces, modify_orbit_direct, and type_I_migration. Note that the present prescription is very useful for simple simulations when an inner trap is needed during the migration but it shouldn't be considered as a realistic model of the inner edge of a disk.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
ide_position (double) Yes The position of the inner disk edge in code units
ide_width (double) Yes The disk edge width (planet will stop within ide_width of ide_position)


  1. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Lee & Peale 2002.
C Example :ref:`c_example_modify_orbits`
Python Example Migration.ipynb, EccAndIncDamping.ipynb.

This updates particles' positions and velocities between timesteps to achieve the desired changes to the osculating orbital elements (exponential growth/decay for a, e, inc, linear progression/regression for Omega/omega. This nicely isolates changes to particular osculating elements, making it easier to interpret the resulting dynamics. One can also adjust the coupling parameter p between eccentricity and semimajor axis evolution, as well as whether the damping is done on Jacobi, barycentric or heliocentric elements. Since this method changes osculating (i.e., two-body) elements, it can give unphysical results in highly perturbed systems.

Effect Parameters

If p is not set, it defaults to 0. If coordinates not set, defaults to using Jacobi coordinates.

Field (C type) Required Description
p (double) No Coupling parameter between eccentricity and semimajor axis evolution (see Deck & Batygin 2015). p=0 corresponds to no coupling, p=1 to eccentricity evolution at constant angular momentum.
coordinates (enum) No Type of elements to use for modification (Jacobi, barycentric or particle). See the examples for usage.

Particle Parameters

One can pick and choose which particles have which parameters set. For each particle, any unset parameter is ignored.

Field (C type) Required Description
tau_a (double) No Semimajor axis exponential growth/damping timescale
tau_e (double) No Eccentricity exponential growth/damping timescale
tau_inc (double) No Inclination axis exponential growth/damping timescale
tau_Omega (double) No Period of linear nodal precession/regression
tau_omega (double) No Period of linear apsidal precession/regression


Authors Kajtazi, Kaltrina and D. Petit, C. Antoine
Implementation Paper Kajtazi et al. in prep.
Based on Cresswell & Nelson 2008, and Pichierri et al 2018.
C example :ref:`c_example_type_I_migration`
Python example TypeIMigration.ipynb.

This applies Type I migration, damping eccentricity, semi-major axis and inclination. The base of the code is the same as the modified orbital forces one written by D. Tamayo, H. Rein. It also allows for parameters describing an inner disc edge, modeled using the implementation in inner_disk_edge.c. Note that this code is not machine independent since power laws were not possible to avoid all together.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
ide_position (double) No The position of the inner disk edge in code units
ide_width (double) No The disk edge width (planet will stop within ide_width of ide_position)
tIm_surface_density_1 (double) Yes Disk surface density at one code unit from the star; used to find the surface density at any distance from the star
tIm_scale_height_1 (double) Yes The scale height at one code unit from the star; used to find the aspect ratio at any distance from the star
tIm_surface_density_exponent (double) Yes Exponent of disk surface density, indicative of the surface density profile of the disk
tIm_flaring_index (double) Yes The flaring index; 1 means disk is irradiated by only the stellar flux


Author Mohamad Ali-Dib
Implementation Paper Ali-Dib et al., 2021 AJ.
Based on Hahn & Malhotra 2005.
C Example :ref:`c_example_exponential_migration`
Python Example ExponentialMigration.ipynb.

Continuous velocity kicks leading to exponential change in the object's semimajor axis. One of the standard prescriptions often used in Neptune migration & Kuiper Belt formation models. Does not directly affect the eccentricity or inclination of the object.

Particle Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
em_tau_a (double) Yes Semimajor axis exponential growth/damping timescale
em_aini (double) Yes Object's initial semimajor axis
em_afin (double) Yes Object's final semimajor axis

General Relativity


  1. Rein, D. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Nobili and Roxburgh 1986.
C Example :ref:`c_example_gr`
Python Example GeneralRelativity.ipynb.

This is the simplest potential you can use for general relativity. It assumes that the masses are dominated by a single central body. It gets the precession right, but gets the mean motion wrong by \mathcal{O}(GM/ac^2). It's the fastest option, and because it's not velocity-dependent, it automatically keeps WHFast symplectic. Nice if you have a single-star system, don't need to get GR exactly right, and want speed.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
c (double) Yes Speed of light in the units used for the simulation.


  1. Shi, D. Tamayo, H. Rein
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Anderson et al. 1975.
C Example :ref:`c_example_gr`
Python Example GeneralRelativity.ipynb.

This assumes that the masses are dominated by a single central body, and should be good enough for most applications with planets orbiting single stars. It ignores terms that are smaller by of order the mass ratio with the central body. It gets both the mean motion and precession correct, and will be significantly faster than :ref:`gr_full`, particularly with several bodies. Adding this effect to several bodies is NOT equivalent to using gr_full.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
c (double) Yes Speed of light in the units used for the simulation.


  1. Shi, H. Rein, D. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Newhall et al. 1983.
C Example :ref:`c_example_gr`
Python Example GeneralRelativity.ipynb.

This algorithm incorporates the first-order post-newtonian effects from all bodies in the system, and is necessary for multiple massive bodies like stellar binaries.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
c (double) Yes Speed of light in the units used for the simulation.

Particle Parameters


Radiation Forces


Authors Noah Ferich, D. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Ferich et al., in prep.
Based on Veras et al., 2015, Veras et al., 2019.
C Example :ref:`c_example_yarkovsky_effect`.
Python Example YarkovskyEffect.ipynb.

Adds the accelerations and orbital perturbations created by the Yarkovsky effect onto one or more bodies in the simulation. There are two distinct versions of this effect that can be used: the 'full version' and the 'simple version'. The full version uses the full equations found in Veras et al. (2015) to accurately calculate the Yarkovsky effect on a particle. However, this version slows down simulations and requies a large amount of parameters. For these reasons, the simple version of the effect (based on Veras et al. (2019)) is available. While the magnitude of the acceleration created by the effect will be the same, this version places constant values in a crucial rotation matrix to simplify the push from the Yarkovsky effect on a body. This version is faster and requires less parameters and can be used to get an upper bound on how much the Yarkovsky effect can push an object's orbit inwards or outwards. The lists below describes which parameters are needed for one or both versions of this effect. For more information, please visit the papers and examples linked above.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
ye_lstar (float) Yes Luminosity of sim's star (Required for both versions).
ye_c (float) Yes Speed of light (Required for both versions).
ye_stef_boltz (float) No Stefan-Boltzmann constant (Required for full version).

Particle Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
particles[i].r (float) Yes Physical radius of a body (Required for both versions).
ye_flag (int) Yes 0 sets full version of effect. 1 uses simple version with outward migration. -1 uses the simple version with inward migration (see examples and paper).
ye_body_density (float) Yes Density of an object (Required for both versions)
ye_rotation_period (float) No Rotation period of a spinning object (Required for full version)
ye_albedo (float) Yes Albedo of an object (Reuired for both versions)
ye_emissivity (float) No Emissivity of an object (Required for full version)
ye_thermal_inertia (float) No Thermal inertia of an object (Required for full version)
ye_k (float) No A constant that gets a value between 0 and 1/4 based on the object's rotation - see Veras et al. (2015) for more information on it (Required for full version)
ye_spin_axis_x (float) No The x value for the spin axis vector of an object (Required for full version)
ye_spin_axis_y (float) No The y value for the spin axis vector of an object (Required for full version)
ye_spin_axis_z (float) No The z value for the spin axis vector of an object (Required for full version)


  1. Rein, D. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Burns et al. 1979.
C Example :ref:`c_example_rad_forces_debris_disk`, :ref:`c_example_rad_forces_circumplanetary`.
Python Example Radiation_Forces_Debris_Disk.ipynb, Radiation_Forces_Circumplanetary_Dust.ipynb.

This applies radiation forces to particles in the simulation. It incorporates both radiation pressure and Poynting-Robertson drag. Only particles whose beta parameter is set will feel the radiation.

Effect Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
c (double) Yes Speed of light in the units used for the simulation.

Particle Parameters

If no particles have radiation_source set, effect will assume the particle at index 0 in the particles array is the source.

Field (C type) Required Description
radiation_source (int) No Flag identifying the particle as the source of radiation.
beta (float) Yes Ratio of radiation pressure force to gravitational force. Particles without beta set feel no radiation forces.

Stochastic Forces


  1. Rein
Based on Rein and Papaloizou 2009.
Implementation Paper Rein and Choksi 2022.
C Example :ref:`c_example_stochastic_forces`
Python Example StochasticForces.ipynb, StochasticForcesCartesian.ipynb,

This applies stochastic forces to particles in the simulation.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

All particles which have the field kappa set, will experience stochastic forces. The particle with index 0 cannot experience stochastic forces.

Field (C type) Required Description
kappa (double) Yes Strength of stochastic forces relative to gravity from central object
tau_kappa (double) No Auto-correlation time of stochastic forces. Defaults to orbital period if not set. The units are relative to the current orbital period.

Mass Modifications


  1. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Kostov et al., 2016.
Based on None
C Example :ref:`c_example_modify_mass`
Python Example ModifyMass.ipynb.

This adds exponential mass growth/loss to individual particles every timestep. Set particles' tau_mass parameter to a negative value for mass loss, positive for mass growth.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

Only particles with their tau_mass parameter set will have their masses affected.

Name (C type) Required Description
tau_mass (double) Yes e-folding mass loss (<0) or growth (>0) timescale



Authors Stanley A. Baronett, D. Tamayo, Noah Ferich
Implementation Paper Baronett et al., 2021 (in review).
Based on Hut 1981, Bolmont et al., 2015.
C Example :ref:`c_example_tides_constant_time_lag`.
Python Example TidesConstantTimeLag.ipynb.

This adds constant time lag tidal interactions between orbiting bodies in the simulation and the primary, both from tides raised on the primary and on the other bodies. In all cases, we need to set masses for all the particles that will feel these tidal forces. After that, we can choose to include tides raised on the primary, on the "planets", or both, by setting the respective bodies' physical radius particles[i].r, k2 (potential Love number of degree 2), constant time lag tau, and rotation rate Omega. See Baronett et al. (2021), Hut (1981), and Bolmont et al. 2015 above.

If tau is not set, it will default to zero and yield the conservative piece of the tidal potential.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
particles[i].r (float) Yes Physical radius (required for contribution from tides raised on the body).
tctl_k2 (float) Yes Potential Love number of degree 2.
tctl_tau (float) No Constant time lag. If not set will default to 0 and give conservative tidal potential.
Omega (float) No Rotation rate. If not set will default to 0.

Central Force


  1. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on None
C Example :ref:`c_example_central_force`
Python Example CentralForce.ipynb.

Adds a general central acceleration of the form a=Acentral*r^gammacentral, outward along the direction from a central particle to the body. Effect is turned on by adding Acentral and gammacentral parameters to a particle, which will act as the central body for the effect, and will act on all other particles.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
Acentral (double) Yes Normalization for central acceleration.
gammacentral (double) Yes Power index for central acceleration.

Gravity Fields


  1. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on None
C Example :ref:`c_example_J2`
Python Example J2.ipynb.

Adds azimuthally symmetric gravitational harmonics (J2, J4) to bodies in the simulation. Current implementation assumes everything is planar, i.e. spin pole of body aligned with z axis of simulation.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

Field (C type) Required Description
J2 (double) No J2 coefficient
J4 (double) No J4 coefficient
R_eq (double) No Equatorial radius of nonspherical body used for calculating Jn harmonics

Integration Steppers

These are wrapper functions to taking steps with several of REBOUND's integrators in order to build custom splitting schemes.


  1. Tamayo, H. Rein
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on Rein and Liu, 2012.
C Example None
Python Example CustomSplittingIntegrationSchemes.ipynb.

These are wrapper functions to taking steps with several of REBOUND's integrators in order to build custom splitting schemes.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters


Parameter Interpolation

This isn't an effect that's loaded like the others, but an object that facilitates machine-independent interpolation of parameters that can be shared by both the C and Python versions. See the examples below for how to use them.


Authors S.A. Baronett, D. Tamayo, N. Ferich
Implementation Paper Baronett et al., in prep.
Based on Press et al., 1992.
C Example :ref:`c_example_parameter_interpolation`
Python Example ParameterInterpolation.ipynb.

Effect Parameters

Not applicable. See examples.

Particle Parameters

Not applicable. See examples.

Miscellaneous Utilities


  1. Tamayo
Implementation Paper Tamayo, Rein, Shi and Hernandez, 2019.
Based on None
C Example :ref:`c_example_track_min_distance`
Python Example TrackMinDistance.ipynb.

For a given particle, this keeps track of that particle's minimum distance from another body in the simulation. User should add parameters to the particular particle whose distance should be tracked.

Effect Parameters


Particle Parameters

Only particles with their min_distance parameter set initially will track their minimum distance. The effect will update this parameter when the particle gets closer than the value of min_distance, so the user has to set it initially. By default, distance is measured from sim->particles[0], but you can specify a different particle by setting the min_distance_from parameter to the hash of the target particle.

Name (C type) Required Description
min_distance (double) Yes Particle's mininimum distance.
min_distance_from (uint32) No Hash for particle from which to measure distance
min_distance_orbit (reb_orbit) No Parameter to store orbital elements at moment corresponding to min_distance (heliocentric)

Inner disk edge

Type I migration