This is the backend of my Galvanize capstone project Mischief Managed. The frontend can be found at: https://github.com/dtruong11/Mischief_Managed_frontend
Mischief Managed (M & M) is a web application that takes away the stress of finding the right activities for parents and families. Parents can filter activities based on location, distance, cost,event type and age range. Parents can also view an interactive map of their search results. If parents are interested in any events, they can login to register and leave reviews.
- Mischief Managed is also for organizers who would like to create events and share them with parents in the community. From the orgnization page, organizers can view their events, who signed up, and reviews from families.
Fork/ clone this repository Create .env file in the root foler jut like env_sample Make sure that you have PostgreSQL installed
Install the Node dependencies:
* run npm install
Create the development database:
* createdb capstone_dev
and run migrations and seeds:
* npm run knex migrate:latest
* npm run knex seed:run
Finally, start the server in development mode:
* npm run dev
The backend of this project has been deployed on Heroku at the address: https://capstonebackmischief.herokuapp.com
The frontend of this project has been deployed on Heroku at the address: https://mischiefmanaged-capstone.herokuapp.com/
- JavaScript - The language
- React Materialize - The css framework used
- Semantic UI Calendar - Calendar
- React Google Map - Map
- React - Frontend library
- Redux - State container
- React Router - Routing
- Express - Backend framework
- postgreSQL - database
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Node - Package ecosystem
- Heroku - A cloud platform to deploy your apps, whether front-end or backend.
- Moment - Npm package to manipulate dates and times in JavaScript.
- Diep Truong