TwitterWebsiteSearch is a small python script for searching and saving data from Twitter.com search without using the official API.
##Data Format Tweets extracted, are formatted similarly to the official API, detailed here
each tweet is a python dict with the following structure.
'created_at' : UTC-datetime format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ,
'id_str' : "",
'text' : "",
'entities': {
'hashtags': [],
'media'[] optional
'user' : {
'id_str' : "",
'name' : "",
'screen_name': "",
'profile_image_url': "",
'verified': bool
'retweet_count' : 0,
'favorite_count' : 0,
'is_quote_status' : False,
'in_reply_to_user_id': None,
'in_reply_to_screen_name' : None,
'contains_photo': False,
'contains_video': False
create your query using twitter advanced search
note: pass the query without url encoding.
import TwitterWebsiteSearch
TitterPageIterator = TwitterWebsiteSearch.TwitterPager().get_iterator('#python')
count = 0
for page in TitterPageIterator:
for tweet in page['tweets']:
print("{0} id: {1} text: {2}".format(count, tweet['id_str'], tweet['text']))
count += 1
###Twitter Search Guide