Hosting provides the entry point for configuring and running your application.
Documentation for Hosting can be found in the ASP.NET Core Web Host and .NET Generic Host in ASP.NET Core docs.
The following contains a description of the sub-directories.
: Contains the main Hosting and Startup interfaces.Hosting
: Contains the default implementations for GenericHost, WebHost, and Startup.Server.Abstractions
: Contains the interfaces for Server implementations.Server.IntegrationTesting
: Contains classes to help deploy servers for testing across the repo.TestHost
: Contains a server implementation for in-memory testing against a server.WindowsServices
: Contains methods to run an application as a Windows service.samples
: Contains a few sample apps that show examples of using hosting.
To build this specific project from source, follow the instructions on building the project.
To run the tests for this project, run the tests on the command line in this directory.
For more information, see the ASP.NET Core README.