- ubuntu 16.04
- ubuntu 14.0
- macOS
- Windows 10
- Version tested: v.r.m - xxxxxxxxxx
- Current state of the build is green with all test passing, and all aspects green: This is for a merge build, not a pull request.
- This ensures that the code is clean, unit and systests are passing, documentation is being generated, npm and docker images pushed to the repositories, and the Bluemix images have been pushed
- Ensure that any CRON jobs that are run are also passing
- Running the pre-req scripts on clean platform images (within a virtualized environment, install from ISO image of Ubuntu. Follow the prerequisite tool chain as documented on the website.)
- Run the QuickStart and follow on tutorials to ensure they are correct [note currently this means following the instructions on the website, however there is a plan to automate this]
- Yo Generator (Angular + CLI) - generates and the code runs successfully
- Expose as REST API tutorial
- Is the overall initial presentation of the website sound? No broken links of home page (use w3 tools to check)
- Are the JSDocs being produced and linked correctly
- Look over the support pages, and the getting started tutorials; are their omissions broken links etc.
- Running the Car Auction scenario to validate the Playground