Starred repositories
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…
Third party firmware for Asus routers (newer codebase)
Windows Internals Book 7th edition Tools
syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, queueing, SQL & NoSQL.
jpegoptim - utility to optimize/compress JPEG files
NFS-Ganesha is an NFSv3,v4,v4.1 fileserver that runs in user mode on most UNIX/Linux systems
Rock solid distributed database specializing in active/active automatic failover and WAN replication
pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools [NetFlow IPFIX sFlow libpcap BGP BMP RPKI IGP Streaming Telemetry].
Linux distribution optimized for audio playback
Phantom Tap (PhanTap) - an ‘invisible’ network tap aimed at red teams
Windows Secure Shell Client With Support For Smart Cards, Certificates, & FIDO Keys
Inkplate family Arduino library. The easiest way to add e-paper to your project.
YANG-based toolchain including NETCONF and RESTCONF interfaces and an interactive CLI
Open source SD WAN daemon for linux (network link bonding/trunking/aggregation and multichannel VPN daemon).
SSCEP is a command line client for the SCEP protocol
Display real time statistics of whatever you want.
jpeginfo - prints information and tests integrity of JPEG/JFIF files