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For testing a new board, see: assembly_test/README

The general purpose firmware including Bluetooth functions is bluetooth_rxtx.

This firmware is intended to be compiled with a particular toolchain:

If you are using a recent Ubuntu or Debian system, the toolchain can be installed
from their apt repositorities as follows:

    apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi

The default hardware target is Ubertooth One.  If you are compiling for
Ubertooth Zero, you must set the environment variable BOARD=UBERTOOTH_ZERO.

By default the bluetooth-rxtx firmware has transmit capabilities.  If you wish
to build firmware without the ability to transmit, you may do so by setting an
envoronment variable called DISABLE_TX.  For example:

    make clean
    DISABLE_TX=1 make bluetooth_rxtx

The resulting firmware will still be named bluetooth_rxtx.bin.dfu but will be
receive only.  It is advisable to make clean first, to clear up any artifacts 
from previous builds that may have transmit functions enabled.