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vpl-infer Sample


This sample shows how to use the Intel® Video Processing Library (Intel® VPL) and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit together to perform a simple inference pipeline

graph LR;
Optimized for Description
OS Ubuntu* 20.04/22.04; Windows* 10/11
Hardware runtime Compatible with Intel® VPL GPU implementation, which can be found at
and Intel® Media SDK GPU implementation, which can be found at Intel® Media SDK Open Source
What You Will Learn How to combine Intel® VPL and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Time to Complete 15 minutes


This sample is a command line application that takes a file containing an H.265 video elementary stream and network model as an argument, decodes and resize it with Intel® VPL and performs object detection on each frame using the OpenVINO™ toolkit.

Key Implementation Details

Configuration Default setting
Target device GPU
Input video format H.265 video elementary stream
Input IR network model Object detection
Output Class ID, Bounding Box Location, and Confidence Score

Command Line Options

Option Description Note
-i H.265 video elementary stream
-m Object detection network model
-legacy Run sample using core 1.x API for portability
-zerocopy Process data without copying between Intel® VPL and the OpenVINO™ toolkit in hardware implemenation mode
not with -legacy


This code sample is licensed under MIT license.

Building and Executing the vpl-infer Program

The first step is to set up a build environment with prerequisites installed.
This can be set up in a bare metal Ubuntu 22.04 system or with Docker for Linux, and in Windows.

On a Linux* System

  1. Install media and compute stack prerequisites.

    • Follow the steps in dgpu-docs according to your GPU.
    • Follow the steps in or install libvpl-dev.
    • Install these additional packages:
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y cmake build-essential pkg-config libva-dev libva-drm2 vainfo
  2. Install Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit 2023.2.0 from archive

    curl -L --output l_openvino_toolkit.tgz
    tar -xf l_openvino_toolkit.tgz
    mkdir -p /opt/intel
    mv l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu22_2023.2.0.13089.cfd42bd2cb0_x86_64 /opt/intel/openvino_2023.2.0
    ln -s /opt/intel/openvino_2023.2.0 /opt/intel/openvino
  3. Download the Mobilenet-ssd object detection model from the Open Model Zoo for OpenVINO™ toolkit and covert it to an IR model:

    Start Python virtual environments from Command Prompt

    apt-get install python3 python3.10-venv
    python3 -m venv openvino_env
    source openvino_env/bin/activate

    From the Python virtual environment (openvino_env) .. $

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install openvino-dev[caffe]==2023.2.0
    omz_downloader --name mobilenet-ssd
    omz_converter --name mobilenet-ssd --precision FP32 --download_dir . --output_dir .
  4. Set up OpenVINO™ toolkit environment:

    source /opt/intel/openvino/
  5. Build and run the program:

    Install prerequisites and build

    apt-get install -y opencl-headers libpugixml-dev libtbb-dev libtbb2
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. && cmake --build . --config release

    Provide path to video file and IR model in command line parameters

    To run with 2.x API zero copy on GPU

    ./vpl-infer -i cars_320x240.h265 -m mobilenet-ssd.xml -zerocopy

    To run with 1.x API (and extra copy) on GPU

    ./vpl-infer -i cars_320x240.h265 -m mobilenet-ssd.xml -legacy

Using a Docker Container (Linux)

These instructions assume that Docker is already set up on your system.

  1. Build docker image:

    These steps start from vpl-infer sample directory:


    Build Dockerfile

    docker build -t interop docker

    If needed, pass proxy information with “--build-arg”:

    docker build -t interop $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') docker
  2. Start the container

    Mount examples directory as /work directory, and current directory is vpl-infer example directory.

    docker run -it --rm --privileged -v `pwd`/../../:/work -w /work/interop/vpl-infer interop:latest
  3. Build and run the program in the container:

    Build steps:

    source /opt/intel/openvino/
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. && cmake --build . --config release

    To run with 2.x API zero copy on GPU

    ./vpl-infer -i /work/content/cars_320x240.h265 -m /OpenVINO/public/mobilenet-ssd/FP32/mobilenet-ssd.xml -zerocopy

    To run with 1.x API (and extra copy) on GPU

    ./vpl-infer -i /work/content/cars_320x240.h265 -m /OpenVINO/public/mobilenet-ssd/FP32/mobilenet-ssd.xml -legacy

On a Windows* System

  1. Install the prerequisite software:

    • Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit for Windows*
    • Python (ver 3.7 - 3.10)
    • CMake
    • Follow steps
  2. Download the Mobilenet-ssd object detection model from the Open Model Zoo for OpenVINO™ toolkit and covert it to an IR model:

    Start Python virtual environments from Command Prompt

    python -m venv openvino_env

    From the Python virtual environment (openvino_env) .. >

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install openvino-dev[caffe]==2023.2.0
    omz_downloader --name mobilenet-ssd
    omz_converter --name mobilenet-ssd --precision FP32 --download_dir . --output_dir .

    mobilenet-ssd IR model will be generated in .\public\mobilenet-ssd\FP32

    mobilenet-ssd.bin  mobilenet-ssd.xml  mobilenet-ssd.mapping
  3. Set up OpenVINO™ toolkit environment:

    If the installation directory is "c:\Program Files (x86)\intel\OpenVINO"

    "c:\Program Files (x86)\intel\OpenVINO\setupvars.bat"
  4. Build OpenCL ICD loader to enable -zerocopy option:

    If OpenCL ICD loader is not ready, -zerocopy option is not activated. But vpl-infer will still work with other options

    You can check the repos and commit ids for the build from OpenCL versions for OpenVINO™ toolkit 2023.2.0

    For OpenVINO™ toolkit 2023.2.0:

    cl_headers @ 4c82e9c
    clhpp_headers @ 4a11574
    icd_loader @ 2cde5d0

    Following steps are simplified from OpenCL ICD loader build instruction

    Assume all the commands are executed from a work directory

    Check out repos and corresponding commit ids:

    git clone
    cd OpenCL-Headers
    git checkout 4c82e9c
    cd ..
    git clone
    cd OpenCL-CLHPP
    git checkout 4a11574
    cd ..
    git clone
    cd OpenCL-ICD-Loader
    git checkout 2cde5d0
    cd ..

    Copy headers to OpenCL-ICD-Loader include directory:

    mkdir OpenCL-ICD-Loader\inc\CL
    copy OpenCL-Headers\CL\* OpenCL-ICD-Loader\inc\CL
    copy OpenCL-CLHPP\include\CL\* OpenCL-ICD-Loader\inc\CL

    Build OpenCL ICD loader from OpenCL-ICD-Loader:

    cd OpenCL-ICD-Loader
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. && cmake --build . --config release -j8

    Set OpenCL ICD Loader library path, where OpenCL.lib and OpenCL.dll are existed:

    set OpenCL_LIBRARY_PATH=<your work dir>\OpenCL-ICD-Loader\build\Release

    Set OpenCL Headers path:

    set OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS=<your work dir>\OpenCL-ICD-Loader\inc
  5. Build and run the program:

    Go to examples\interop\vpl-infer (Make sure that your shell is configured with vars.bat)

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. && cmake --build . --config release && cd release

    To run with 2.x API zero copy on GPU

    .\vpl-infer -i cars_320x240.h265 -m mobilenet-ssd.xml -zerocopy

    To run with 1.x API (and extra copy) on GPU

    .\vpl-infer -i cars_320x240.h265 -m mobilenet-ssd.xml -legacy

Example of Output

This is the output from Linux, but the test result will be similar to Windows:

Version : 2023.2.0
Build : 2023.2.0-13089-cfd42bd2cb0-HEAD
Loading network model files: /OpenVINO/public/mobilenet-ssd/FP32/mobilenet-ssd.xml
Model name: MobileNet-SSD
Input name: data
Input type: f32
Input shape: [1,3,300,300]
Output name: detection_out
Output type: f32
Output shape: [1,1,100,7]

libva info: VA-API version 1.18.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
libva info: VA-API version 1.18.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0

Intel® VPL Implementation details:
ApiVersion: 2.9
AccelerationMode via: VAAPI
DeviceID: 4680/0
Path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

libva info: VA-API version 1.18.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_18
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Decoding VPP, and inferring cars_320x240.h265 with /OpenVINO/public/mobilenet-ssd/FP32/mobilenet-ssd.xml
Class ID (7), BBox ( 92, 112, 201, 217), Confidence (0.999)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 207, 50, 296, 144), Confidence (0.997)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 35, 43, 120, 134), Confidence (0.994)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 73, 82, 168, 171), Confidence (0.936)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 168, 199, 274, 238), Confidence (0.563)


Class ID (7), BBox ( 64, 70, 160, 181), Confidence (0.997)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 116, 133, 224, 238), Confidence (0.937)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 266, 81, 319, 190), Confidence (0.837)
Class ID (7), BBox ( 17, 44, 71, 93), Confidence (0.760)

Decoded 30 frames and detected objects

This execution is the object detection use case with mobilenet-ssd network model.

Class ID is predicted class ID (1..20 - PASCAL VOC defined class ids).

Mapping to class names provided by <omz_dir>/data/dataset_classes/voc_20cl_bkgr.txt file, which is downloaded when you install the development version of the OpenVINO™ toolkit.

7 is car from the list.