- Virginia
(UTC -05:00)
- Pro
Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform
A programmer-oriented testing framework for Java.
CrateDB is a distributed and scalable SQL database for storing and analyzing massive amounts of data in near real-time, even with complex queries. It is PostgreSQL-compatible, and based on Lucene.
Anthelion is a plugin for Apache Nutch to crawl semantic annotations within HTML pages.
Maven plugin which includes build-time git repository information into an POJO / *.properties). Make your apps tell you which version exactly they were built from! Priceless in large distributed de…
MapReduce, Spark, Java, and Scala for Data Algorithms Book
internetarchive / wayback
Forked from iipc/openwaybackIA's public Wayback Machine (moved from SourceForge)
The NASA WorldWind Java SDK (WWJ) is for building cross-platform 3D geospatial desktop applications in Java.
Layouts - Companion application for the "Thymeleaf Layouts" article at the Thymeleaf website: http://www.thymeleaf.org/documentation.html http://www.thymeleaf.org
The official home of JBidwatcher's source code, an eBay auction sniping, bidding & monitoring software application.
DC/OS SDK is a collection of tools, libraries, and documentation for easy integration of technologies such as Kafka, Cassandra, HDFS, Spark, and TensorFlow with DC/OS.
DDF Distributed Data Framework - an open source, modular integration framework.
A naive implementation of dependency injection concept.