This GDNative script aims to serve as a custom wrapper that makes SQLite3 available in Godot 3.1+. Additionaly, it does not require any additional compilation or mucking about with build scripts.
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Windows
Re-building Godot from scratch is NOT required just download the build files found in the releases tab, extract on your system and run the supplied demo-project. Make sure that the Godot is correctly loading the gdsqlite.gdns-resource and that it is available in the res://-environment.
An example project, named "demo", can also be downloaded from the releases tab.
- path (String ,default value='default')
Path to the database, should be set before opening the database with .open_db(). If no database with this name exists, a new one at the supplied path will be created. Both res:// and user:// keywords can be used to define the path.
- verbose_mode (Boolean, default=false)
Setting verbose_mode on True results in an information dump in the Godot console that is handy for debugging your ( possibly faulty) SQLite queries.
- query_result (Array, default=[])
Contains the results from the latest query and is cleared after every new query.
Boolean success = open_db()
Boolean success = import_from_json( String import_path )
Drops all database tables and imports the database structure and content present inside of import_path.json.
- Boolean success = export_to_json( String export_path )
Exports the database structure and content to export_path.json as a backup or for ease of editing.
Boolean success = close_db()
Boolean success = query( String query_string )
Boolean success = create_table( String table_name, Dictionary table_dictionary )
Boolean success = drop_table( String table_name )
Boolean success = insert_row( String table_name, Dictionary row_dictionary )
Boolean success = insert_rows( String table_name, Array row_array )
Array selected_rows = select_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions, Array selected_columns )
Boolean success = update_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions, Dictionary updated_row_dictionary )
Boolean success = delete_rows( String table_name, String query_conditions )
All json- and db-files should be part of the exact same folder (demo/data in the case of the demo-project). During export this folder should be copied in its entirety to the demo/build-folder, in which the executable will be created by Godot's export command line utilities. Luckily, a Godot script called '' can also found in the demo-project and allows to automatically copy the demo/data-folder's contents to the demo/build-folder.
The commands to succesfully export a working executable for the demo-project are:
mkdir build
godot -s
godot -e --export-debug "Windows Desktop" build/godot-sqlite.exe
("Windows Desktop" should be replaced by whatever the name of your relevant build template is.)
The design philosophy behind this is the following:
- Even after exporting the entire game, the data-files can still be easily edited without requiring additional exports for every miniscule edit.
- Importing a database from a json-file allows the Godot executable to use the full capabilities of the SQLite framework (SELECT, UPDATE, ...), while still allowing writers and other content creators to edit these json-files using their favorite text-based IDE.
First clone the project and install SCons. Secondly, the C++ bindings have to be build from scratch using the files present in the godot-cpp submodule and following command:
scons p=<platform> bits=64 generate_bindings=yes use_custom_api_file=yes custom_api_file=../api.json
Afterwards, the SContruct file found in the repository should be sufficient to build this project's C++ source code for Linux, Mac OS X or Windows, with the help of following command:
scons p=<platform>
Tutorials for making and extending GDNative scripts are available here in the Official Godot Documentation. Build files are currently only available for 64-bits systems.