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Markdown Rules for Bazel

Automatically lint Markdown files in your Bazel workspace with markdownlint (via markdownlint-cli) when you bazel build.

Setup Summary

Start linting your Markdown source files in a few steps:

  1. Use an http_archive workspace rule to add this project as an external workspace.
  2. Declare a markdown_library with some Markdown source files.
  3. Enable the markdownlint_aspect in your .bazelrc.
  4. Use a known_remote_markdownlint_toolchains repository rule to fetch markdownlint binaries.

TODO(dwtj): Give a link to a standalone complete example.

Detailed Setup

Step 1. Add This Project as an External Workspace

Add something like this to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "dwtj_rules_markdown",
    sha256 = "...",
    url = "",

TODO(dwtj): Fill in this with concrete sha256 and url values.

Step 2. Declare a markdown_library

Add something like this to your BUILD files:

load("@dwtj_rules_markdown//markdown:defs.bzl", "markdown_library")

    name = "md",
    srcs = [

Step 3. Enable the markdownlint_aspect

Add this to your workspace's .bazelrc file:

build --aspects @dwtj_rules_markdown//markdown:defs.bzl%markdownlint_aspect

Step 4. Add A Markdown Lint Toolchain

Add this to your WORKSPACE file:

    name = 'local_markdownlint',

load('@local_markdownlint//:defs.bzl', 'register_local_markdownlint_toolchain')


This will search your system path for a markdownlint executable to use.

Overview of This Project's Modules

  • markdown_library: This Bazel rule lets you declare a set of Markdown files to be linted.

  • markdownlint_aspect: This Bazel aspect is what actually adds lint actions to the Bazel action graph.

  • markdownlint_toolchain: This Bazel rule can be used to declare instances of the //markdown/toolchains/lint:toolchain_type toolchain type. Such a toolchain instance includes the metadata needed to locate a markdownlint binary. (Some background on Bazel toolchains and toolchain resolution is provided here.)

TODO(dwtj): KEep drafting this section.

Future Development Opportunities

Markdown files are used in very flexible ways. There isn't one definitive way to process them in a build system. It may in fact be most common to not process them at all (or at least leave the job to GitHub).

This has influenced how we designed these rules. In particular, we've chosen to put processing of markdown files into Bazel aspects; the markdown_library rule does not itself create any build actions.

TODO(dwtj): Keep drafting this section.


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