Train SEGAN replica:
Execute training with default parameters (kwidth=31, skip connections with concat merge, etc.), CUDA, a batch_size
of 100:
python --save_path seganv1_ckpt --cuda --batch_size 100 \
--clean_trainset data/clean_trainset \
--noisy_trainset data/noisy_trainset \
--clean_valset data/clean_valset \
--noisy_valset data/noisy_valset \
--cache_dir data/cache
python --pretrained_ckpt seganv1_ckpt/weights_SEGAN-52546.ckpt \
--cfg_file seganv1_ckpt/train.opts --synthesis_path enhanced_results \
--test_files data/noisy_testset
- Multi-GPU is not supported yet in this framework.
- Virtual Batch Norm is not included, and similar results to those of original paper can be obtained with regular BatchNorm in D (ONLY D).