This repository contains all RTL, C-model, and testbench code associated with the NVDLA hardware release. In this repository, you will find:
- vmod/ -- RTL model, including:
- vmod/nvdla/ -- Verilog implementation of NVDLA itself
- vmod/vlibs/ -- library and cell models
- vmod/rams/ -- behavioral models of RAMs used by NVDLA
- syn/ -- example synthesis scripts for NVDLA
- perf/ -- performance estimator spreadsheet for NVDLA
- verif/ -- trace-player testbench for basic sanity validation
- verif/traces/ -- sample traces associated with various networks
set tool bin in tree.make to point to your local install path on below tools
CPP: gcc-4.0 or later is required and update CPP variable in make/
PERL: perl-5.8.8 or later is required and set as your default perl, use "/usr/bin/env perl -v" to check
JAVA: jdk1.7 or later is required and update JAVA variable in make/
run below command to build rtl and run sanity tests, and check build.log for details bin/tmake
For more information, please visit NVDLA website.