- Madrid
- elafosobrerailes.blogspot.com
neurok-dev / draftsman
Forked from copasetickid/draftsmanRuby gem that lets you create draft versions of your database records.
eLafo / best_in_place
Forked from bernat/best_in_placeA RESTful unobtrusive jQuery Inplace-Editor and a helper as a Rails Gem
eLafo / omniture_client
Forked from acatighera/omniture_clientThis gem integrates Omniture SiteCatalyst into your web app
Simpe writer for Office 2007 Excel files
Tiny plugin to mark any rails model instance as an abuse or site's community guideline violation.
Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails
notch8-old / contacts
Forked from shorrockin/contactsA universal interface to import email contacts from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Plaxo.
bernat / best_in_place
Forked from janv/rest_in_placeA RESTful unobtrusive jQuery Inplace-Editor and a helper as a Rails Gem
Generates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rspec suite and optional Acts as State Machine support built-in.
eLafo / thread_pool
Forked from methodmissing/thread_poolRuby Thread Pool
albertoperdomo / geonames-rails
Forked from joho/geonames-railsa lightweight plugin to map to imported geonames data with a repeatable import
eLafo / spreedly-gem
Forked from spreedly/spreedly-gemThe Spreedly gem provides a convenient Ruby wrapper for the goodness that is the http://spreedly.com API.
Adds support in ActiveRecord Migrations for automatic foreign_keys
methodmissing / thread_pool
Forked from fizx/thread_poolRuby Thread Pool