Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiCreditcarddetailID | int | The unique ID of the Creditcarddetail | |
fkiCreditcardtypeID | int | The unique ID of the Creditcardtype | |
iCreditcarddetailLastdigits | int | The last digits of the Creditcarddetail | |
iCreditcarddetailExpirationmonth | int | The expirationmonth of the Creditcarddetail | |
iCreditcarddetailExpirationyear | int | The expirationyear of the Creditcarddetail | |
sCreditcarddetailCivic | string | The civic of the Creditcarddetail | |
sCreditcarddetailStreet | string | The street of the Creditcarddetail | |
sCreditcarddetailZip | string | The zip of the Creditcarddetail |