Convert documentation in mkdocs format to a readable book in different formats (PDF/EPUB/HTML).
1- Use modified version of mkdocscombine to combine all *.md files into a single pandoc (book.pd) file with the help of mkdocs.yml.
2- Use modified version of latex template file from pandoc-book-template
- pandoc-book-template uses chapters/[0-9] format, not using mkdocs.yml file)
- listings-setup.tex is taken from this stackexchange post.
3- Use Pandoc to build the .PDF, .EPUB files
sudo rm *.pdf *.epub *.pd
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t mkdocs2book:latest .
git clone
sudo docker run -v=$PWD:/data/ mkdocs2book:latest /data/ carla
git clone
sudo docker run -v=$PWD:/data/ mkdocs2book:latest /data/ scenario_runner
Carla Simulator documentation in PDF format
Scenario Runner documentation in PDF format
(click on download on the next page)