基于BC库:国密SM2/SM3/SM4算法简单封装;实现SM2 X509v3证书的签发;实现SM2 pfx证书的签发
A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
one for all free music in china (chrome extension, also works for firefox)
luochenzhimu / BaiduPan-Explorer
Forked from mengqhui/baidudlGet download links from and you don't need to be afraid of getting your account banned
BaiduMusic Plugin for Deepin Music Player
Music player for deepin desktop environment.
JavaScript diagramming library for interactive flowcharts, org charts, design tools, planning tools, visual languages.
The technique of programming with PHP and jQuery.
Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
Official project repository for the Setuptools build system
🍭 Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player
orangle / sersync
Forked from micate/sersyncjust a git mirror of sersync
Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included
Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications.
LittlePeng / redis-monitor
Forked from nkrode/RedisLivemonitor redis perfmonance、master-slave status