Project: Build a smartAPI for a Spontaneus Reporting System (SRS) for drug safety research purposes. More specifically FAERS data that was standardized and currated as the OHDSI resource A curated and standardized adverse drug event resource to accelerate drug safety research (AEOLUS) published in Nature Scientific data.
Authors: Juan M. Banda
Available at (temporary location):
Documentation (temporary location):
- Spec out an API for the AEOLUS resource: Based on the most common queries received about the resource, provide API calls to answer these queries.
- Make the API a smartAPI v3.0: This will allow the API to be discoverable and reusable while providing rich documentation about its functionality.
- Make output be JSONLD v1.1 compliant: While most researchers will just need/want a basic JSON output to their queries. This resource will provide additional semantics in the JSONLD for potential re-use of the data returned.
- Register API with the smartAPI registry: As part of the process of making the resource discoverable and available to the wider audience, the API will be registered in the registry.
- AEOLUSsrsAPI-v2.0.json Main JSON file with the smartAPI specification
- spring-server This folder contains the Swagger generated Java/Spring server. Instructions on how to build and deploy the server are listed below.
The API server is programmed to connect to AEOLUS schemas, therefore connection to AEOLUS database is necessary for the API methods to return results. The AEOLUS data files can be downloaded from Dryad
This project requires Java 7 or greater and Maven.
To build, go to the /spring-server folder and type:
mvn clean package
This produces an exectuable jar in the target
To run:
mvn spring-boot:run
The swagger-ui can then be accessed from