- Ribeirão Preto, SP - Brazil
Starred repositories
AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
Javascript audio library for the modern web.
typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
JavaScript Date Range, Date and Time Picker Component
A reusable charting library written in d3.js
jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
jQuery Terminal Emulator - JavaScript library for creating web-based terminals with custom commands
AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome
The Typeahead plugin from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4
jStorage is a simple key/value database to store data on browser side
This plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum lenght of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work.
Simple angular directive for jquery nouislider plugin
clarketm / FileSaver.js
Forked from eligrey/FileSaver.jsAn HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
010 Editor templates and tools to parse the contents of MIB1/2/3 datasets and ZDC containers
replacement for comma.ai backend and useradmin dashboard. comes bundled with a modified cabana instance for seamless drive reviewing.
For Reference - Outdated and shouldn't be used today - Some browser and javascript object model extensions