A PHP setup with Handlebars for serverside and client rendering. This is part of a lets build, see it all in action on YouTube.
The live folder is the only folder exposed to the public.
To see the PHP console run the following command in a terminal window
tail -f /home/ubuntu/lib/apache2/log/error.log
To get you started:
Create a project folder in your Cloud9 sandbox.
Clone this repo into your project folder.
To setup Grunt, run:
npm install -g grunt-cli npm install
- Configure Apache
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/001-cloud9.conf Change 'DocumentRoot' to point to the 'live' folder in your project folder DocumentRoot /home/ubuntu/workspace/palegg/live
- Press "Run Project" button and then "Preview"
That's all there is to it! You can use this as a base to start any fancy project. The method is tried and proven to work well in production for us.
Happy coding!
- Christer @ Snuti