All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added banner for second channel opt-in
- Added signup tutorial video on YPP landing page
- Added permanent referral link btn on YPP referrals tab
- Password fields autocomplete was removed
- Adjusted YPP referral link
- Changed sort algorithm for YPP channels carousel
- Fixed redirect to YPP dashboard after sign in
- Fixed asset provider incorrect behaviour
- Fixed issue with GAuth code persistence
- Fixed issues with channel funds withdrawal
- Removed YPP channel requirements
- Fixed issue with failing funds withdrawal
- Fixed crashes on ypp dashboard and referrals page
- Fixed channel assets modification
- Fixed referral link generation
- Introduced new categories
- YPP was updated to v2.0: updated landing page, new tiers system; rewards, referrals and dashboard changes
- Changed channel tokens withdrawal from membership account to any Joystream account
- Fixed bug with slow loading of a homepage
- Fixed bug with bid withdrawal from an auction
- Minor markup fixes
- Captcha was moved to the last signup step
- Fixed bug with checking the encoding for non-video assets
- Fixed bug with missing upload button for mobile devices
- Fixed bug with infinite modal on signup
- Removed YPP email pre-population
- Minor text changes in signup modal
- Fixed bug with missing anonymousId on signup
- Added new tiers to YPP referrals table
- Increased heap size for Atlas docker build
- Changed YPP email pre-population (from previous change)
- Removed auth protection from report feature
- Improved homepage graphQL queries speed
- Changed YPP email pre-population
- Fixed bug with uploading a video
- Fixed displaying rewards in YPP cards
- New Tiers for YPP
- Removed app focus messages
- Membership and Orion account are now created simultaneously
- Increased interval of asset testing
- Fixed handling of Apollo errors
- Added minting NFT to video context menu
- Added auth cookie for
- Limited rendered channels amount for channel carousel
- Sensitive fields are obfuscated for analytics
- Changed error handling for sentry
- Fixed errors in signup flow
- Minor bugfixes
- Changed retries amount for asset upload
- Changed copy for Google button
- Fixed double segment call for YPP dashboard
- Fixed more error with crashes when Google Translate is used
- Added New Segment events
- Simplified YPP landing page
- Changed YPP reward multipliers
- Fixed error with crashes when Google Translate is used
- Fixed wrong channel balance
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Changed Creator tokens info
- Changed YPP video upload rewards
- Minor YPP dashboard changes
- Various bugfixes
- Added livesession integration for segment
- Fixed bug with infinite loop in studio
- Fixed error with WASM
- Fixed sentry ignoring some errors
- Fixed sentry sourcemaps and removed useless events
- Added upload retry after distributor blacklisting
- Adjusted chunks and lazy loading to reduce bundle size
- Fixed extended delays for YPP sign up
- Fixed build for NodeJS v18
- Added sentry stacktrace
- Bumped NodeJS version to 18 for Github actions and project package.json
- Changed YPP to sync only verified channels
- Email is now prepopulated for YPP sign up
- YPP carousel now shows recently paid channels
- Fixed referrer autocomplete
- Fixed errors with wrong user system time
- Fixed bugs in segment analytics events
- Added autofilling of the referrer field on YPP sign up
- Fixed QN subscriptions connection
- Fixed issues with sign up flow
- Added snackbar for time mismatch
- Added YPP referrals table
- Fixed bugs with YPP and regular sign up flows
- Markup fixes
- Fixed missing "wrong credentials" toast on sign in
- Fixed YPP signup flow
- Fixed YPP authorization flow
- Fixed sign in button loading state
- Fixed bug with missing captcha token
- Fixed 404 errors when Segment key is not provided
- Atlas now supports custodial user accounts
- Added Segment analytics
- Button for admin panel
- Distributor connection timeout is now adjusted automatically
- Fixed wrong assets being displayed for NFT tiles
- Fixed NFTs section re-render on filters change
- Fixed Twitter card preview
- Added collapsed view to NFT widget
- Added fiat representation to prices
- Added environment variables description to operators guide
- Changed assets resolution algorithm
- Required NodeJS version bumped to 18
- Fixed bug with wallet connection
- Fixed bug with minimized player showing error screen
- Minor markup fixes
- Added collapsed view to NFT widget
- Added fiat representation to prices
- Added environment variables description to operators guide
- Changed assets resolution algorithm
- Required NodeJS version bumped to 18
- Fixed bug with wallet connection
- Fixed bug with minimized player showing error screen
- Minor markup fixes
- Changed YPP rewards
- Improved request size on video page
- Analytics plugins removed from bundle if not initialised
- Fixed storage bucket blacklisting
- Added FORCED_MAINTENANCE env variable
- Added Ukrainian language
- Added Segment, Google Analytics, Google Optimize tracking tools
- Changed Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy
- Changed content category message copy
- Fixed QN sync issue
- Fixed YPP modal crash on TnC step
- Fixed missing notifications
- Added Telugu language
- Sentry replays are enabled on YPP page only
- Atlas TnC were updated
- Fixed issue when Atlas was sending incorrect storage buckets number
- Fixed bug with multiple context menus for carousel NFT items
- Fixed recurring updates on user activity page
- Changed featured NFTs allowance criteria
- Fixed wrong environment selection
- Fixed share modal incorrect behaviour
- New NFT marketplace page
- New homepage with videos feed
- Improved notifications fetch query
- Fixed incorrect comments display
- Fixed tiles status in studio
- Fixed bug with modal windows blocking the scroll
- Minor bugfixes
- NFT section rework
- YPP sign-up buttons changed according to Google guidelines
- Channels section removed from navigation
- New & noteworthy pages were removed
- Metadata update for supported wallets only
- Fixed bug with channel payouts
- Fixed parsing of asset URL
- Fixed YPP opt-in for memberships with multiple channels
- New content focus modal
- Channel's balance is now displayed publicly
- YPP TnCs were updated
- Fixed carousel styling for mobile screens
- Various markup fixes
- Channel payouts were introduced
- Atlas now supports Ephesus runtime upgrade
- Bumped Sentry version to include replays functionality
- Fixed video upload extrinsic bug
- Fixed channel creation bug
- Fixed bug with channel view
- Fixed YPP extra requests
- Fixed bug with invalid file format when creating a video
- Fixed loading times on "My videos" page
- Fixed issues with appId metadata
- Changed the validated channels carousel behaviour on YPP landing page
- Fixed app metadata for uploaded videos
- Fixed followed channels uploads on homepage
- Channel requirements for YPP are now shown before channel creation
- Atlas is now using OrionV2
- New distributors change logic
- Major performance improvements
- Query node is now the part of the Orion
- Subsquid framework is used for GraphQL schema generation
- Variety of minor changes and improvement, full changelog is available here
- Fixed paginations issues for videos and NFTs
- Fixed bug with erased comment text when reaction is being processed
- Markup minor fixes
- Minor YPP copies changes
- Fixed app metadata for account creation and video uploads
- Introduced Apps as first-class citizens
- Introduced YouTube Partner Program
- Fixed loading issue when viewing the last NFTs page
- Fixed player controls size in fullscreen mode
- Various markup fixes
- Fixed the distribution buckets fetch
- Welcome dialog when content focus is present
- Fallback state for video hero and video category hero
- Platform royalty in NFT selling details
- Toast indication for insufficient funds transaction
- Toast default timeout
- Negative transferable balance tooltip
- Included Joystream standard licence
- Styles on SignIn dialog and Studio welcome view
- Storage operator is now picked by distance
- Fixed issue with displaying incorrect locked funds
- Fixed link on incorrectly uploaded asset
- Fixed locked funds display on user's info popover
- Fixed polkadot wallet connection in firefox
- Various markup fixes
- Fixed issue with not loading twemoji
- Fixed issue with not applying filters for NFTs
- Fixed issue with date validation in video form
- Welcome dialog when content focus is present
- Fallback state for video hero and video category hero
- Styles on SignIn dialog and Studio welcome view
- Added
field in theatlas.config.yml
that describes content focus of given app
- Fixed issue with displaying incorrect locked funds
- Fix
- Stop video autoplay if user starts commenting
- Expose Privacy Policy in config and introduce basic Markdown support
- Greatly improved OpenGraph metadata support
- Upgraded all the dependencies, including Vite v4 and Storybook v7
- Adapted the app for Mainnet:
- updated categories IDs
- updated the default environment name
- updated the token ticker
- Fixed mobile touch scroll on bottom drawers
- Fixed issue with rendering inputs components differently on ios
- Fixed issue with membership dropdown component's contents disappearing randomly on mobile
- Added validation for enough funds to pay tx fee
- Atlas logo component for easy customization
- Greatly improved handling of failed uploads
- Fixed issue with unhandled transaction promise rejection
- Fixed issue with channel withdraw dialog validation
- Fixed transaction callbacks sometimes being called before QN had processed the data
- Fixed wrong bucket config for new channels
- Joystream Carthage testnet support, including support for transaction fees
- Versioning support and changelog
- Captcha support for member creation
- Support for video subtitles
- A config file allowing operators to customize the app to their needs
- Support for re-branding the app easily
- Ability to upload images during member creation
- Improved member dropdown to support changing members/channels even when in Studio/viewer
- Changed the address format used in the app from Substrate generic to Joystream specific
- Improved member balances display including locks
- Changed how the video categories are handled, introduced local display categories