- onConnect:
- onDisconnect:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- sokect: The resource socket id.
- onClose:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- error: The message error.
- onPing:
- onPong:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- msgid: The message id.
- onSendPresence:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- type: Presence type.
- name: User name.
- onSendStatusUpdate:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- msg: The text message status.
- onRequestLastSeen:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- msgid: The message id.
- to: The reciepient to get the last seen.
- onDissectPhone
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- country: The detected country name.
- cc: The user country code without the country code.
- phone: The user phone number.
- onFailedDissectPhone:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- onGoodCredentials:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- login: Phone number with country code.
- pw: Account password.
- type: Type of account.
- expiration: Expiration date in UNIX TimeStamp.
- kind: Kind of account.
- price: Formated price of account.
- cost: Decimal amount of account.
- currency: Currency price of account.
- price_expiration: Price expiration in UNIX TimeStamp.
- onBadCredentials:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- status: Account status.
- reason: The reason.
- onRequestCode:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- method: Used method.
- length: Registration code lenght.
- onFailedRequestCode:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- method: Used method.
- reason: Reason of the status (e.g. too_recent/missing_param/bad_param).
- value: The missing_param/bad_param or waiting time before requesting a new code.
- onRegisterCode:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- login: Phone number with country code.
- pw: Account password.
- type: Type of account.
- expiration: Expiration date in UNIX TimeStamp.
- kind: Kind of account.
- price: Formated price of account.
- cost: Decimal amount of account.
- currency: Currency price of account.
- price_expiration: Price expiration in UNIX TimeStamp.
- onFailedRegisterCode:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- reason: Reason of the status (e.g. too_recent/missing_param/bad_param).
- retry_after: Waiting time before requesting a new code.
- onUploadFile:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- name: The name.
- url: The remote url on WhatsApp servers.
- onFailedUploadFile:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- name: The name.
- onSendMessageReceived:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- from: The sender phone number.
- onUserComposing:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- onUserPaused:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- onCreateGroupChat:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- gId: The group id.
- onGetGroupSubject:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- gId: The group id.
- time: The unix time when send subject.
- author: The author phone number including the country code.
- participant: The participant phone number including the country code.
- name: The sender name.
- subject: The subject.
- onAddParticipantGroup:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- groupId: The groupId.
- participant: The participant phone number including the country code. _ onRemoveParticipantGroup:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- groupId: The groupId.
- participant: The participant phone number including the country code.
- author: The author phone number including the country code.
- onGetMessage:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- message: The message.
- onGetImage:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- size: The image size.
- url: The url to bigger image version.
- file: The image name.
- mimetype: The image mime type.
- filehash: The image file hash.
- width: The image width.
- height: The image height.
- thumbnail: The base64_encode image thumbnail.
- onGetVideo:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- url: The url to bigger video version.
- file: The video name.
- size: The video size.
- mimetype: The video mime type.
- filehash: The video file hash.
- duration: The video duration.
- vcodec: The video codec.
- acodec: The audio codec.
- thumbnail: The base64_encode video thumbnail.
- onGetAudio:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- size: The image size.
- url: The url to bigger audio version.
- file: The audio name.
- mimetype: The audio mime type.
- filehash: The audio file hash.
- duration: The audio duration.
- acodec: The audio codec.
- onGetvCard:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- contact: The vCard contact name.
- vcard: The vCard.
- onGetLocation:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- longitude: The location longitude.
- latitude: The location latitude.
- thumbnail: The base64_encode location image thumbnail.
- onGetPlace:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- name: The sender name.
- place_name: The place name.
- longitude: The location longitude.
- latitude: The location latitude.
- url: The place url.
- thumbnail: The base64_encode place image thumbnail.
- onMessageReceivedServer:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- onMessageReceivedClient:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- msgid: The message id.
- type: The message type.
- time: The unix time when send message notification.
- onGetPresence:
- phone: The user phone number including the country code.
- from: The sender phone number.
- type: The presence type.
function MyFunction_onConnect($phone, $socket) { print("$socket\n"); }
require 'whatsprot.class.php';
$w = new WhatsProt($userPhone, $userIdentity, $userName, $debug);
$w->eventManager()->bind('onConnect', 'MyFunction_onConnect');