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Mycroft Skills Repo




The official home of skills for the Mycroft ecosystem. These skills are written by both the MycroftAI team and others within the Community. HTML version of this document

Available Skills

Skill Name Description
"handled phrases"
AIML Fallback AIML skill by JarbasAI
Alarm Alarm
Audio Record Record and Play Audio
Configuration Update Mycroft configuration
"configuration update"
Date Time Tell the date or time
"what time is it"
Desktop Launcher Open Applications on Desktop
"open firefox"
DuckDuckGo Query DuckDuckGo's Instant Answer API for general questions
"what is frankenstein"
Hello World Hello world and Mycroft manners
"how are you"
IP Check the device's IP Address
"what is your ip address"
Joke Tell jokes
"tell me a joke"
Installer Install skills
"install daily meditation"
"uninstall skill daily meditation"
Mark-1 Demo Demonstration of Mark 1
DEMO from the Mark 1 menu
Naptime Put Mycroft to sleep
"go to sleep"
NPR News Listen to the news from NPR
"what's the latest news"
Pairing Pair Mycroft with
"pair my device"
Personal Learn about Mycroft
"what are you"
Playback Control Control audio subsystem
"play", "pause", "next"
Reminder Reminders to do something
"remind me to turn off the oven in 5 minutes"
Speak Repeat anything
"say open source AI"
Singing Sing a song!
"sing a song"
Stock Stock prices
"what is the stock price of Autodesk"
Stop Stop running skills
Unknown Fallback When Mycroft doesn't know an answer or understand a command
"green jelly wood"
Version Checker Find the version of mycroft-core
"check version"
Volume Control Volume
"turn up the volume", "mute audio"
Weather Current Weather and Forecasts
"what is the weather"
WeMo Discover and control WeMo devices
"discover my devices"
Wiki Wikipedia queries
"tell me about AI"
Wink IoT Control lights via a Wink hub
"turn on the lights" "dim the kitchen light"
Platform Patch Patch for official platforms
"platform patch"
Mark 1 settings Control your Mark 1
change eye color to red
Spotify Listen to music from your Spotify Premium account
play discover weekly
Pandora Listen to Pandora stations
play pandora
openHAB Add an AI Voice assistant to your openHAB system
"turn on Diningroom Light" "regulate Main Thermostat to 20 degrees"

How to Create and Submit a Skill to the mycroft-skills repo

We've recently released the Mycroft Skills Kit, a utility designed to help you get up and running with your Skill. msk will help you;

  • Create a directory for your Skill on your local system, and pre-populate with required files, such as
  • Create Intents in your Skill
  • Assist you in creating automated tests for your Skill
  • Assist you in submitting your Skill as a submodule to the mycroft-skills repo.

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Community Contributed Skill List

Status meaning:
✔️ good working order
🚧 still being developed and not ready for general use (for reference/collaboration)
❓ untested (by us)
💀 Broken, but good for ideas!

Status Skill Name Description
"phrase to trigger"
✔️ AVmusic Provides the playback of any music/video requested by the user. No login required.
play some imagine dragons music
✔️ CaffeineWiz Request caffeine content of selected drinks
what's the caffeine content of *drink*?
✔️ mycroft-hue Control your Phillips Hue lights
turn on the lights
✔️ Homeassistant Control your devices in home-assistant
"turn on office"
✔️ Plasma Activities Skill Control KDE Plasma 5 Activities with Mycroftshow/create/switch/remove activity [name]
✔️ translate-skill Translate phrases into several languages
"translate good morning into japanese"
✔️ Zork Play the old school adventure game
and explore the underground empire
✔️ Score Reports latest MLB scores
what is the Royals score