- axelard - Axelar App
- add-genesis-account [address_or_key_name] [coin][,[coin]] - Add a genesis account to genesis.json
- add-genesis-evm-chain [name] - Adds an EVM chain in genesis.json
- collect-gentxs - Collect genesis txs and output a genesis.json file
- debug - Tool for helping with debugging your application
- addr [address] - Convert an address between hex and bech32
- pubkey [pubkey] - Decode a pubkey from proto JSON
- raw-bytes [raw-bytes] - Convert raw bytes output (eg. [10 21 13 255]) to hex
- export - Export state to JSON
- gentx [key_name] [amount] - Generate a genesis tx carrying a self delegation
- health-check -
- init [moniker] - Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files
- keys - Manage your application's keys
- add <name> - Add an encrypted private key (either newly generated or recovered), encrypt it, and save to file
- delete <name>... - Delete the given keys
- export <name> - Export private keys
- import <name> <keyfile> - Import private keys into the local keybase
- list - List all keys
- migrate <old_home_dir> - Migrate keys from the legacy (db-based) Keybase
- mnemonic - Compute the bip39 mnemonic for some input entropy
- parse <hex-or-bech32-address> - Parse address from hex to bech32 and vice versa
- show [name_or_address [name_or_address...]] - Retrieve key information by name or address
- migrate [target-version] [genesis-file] - Migrate genesis to a specified target version
- query - Querying subcommands
- account [address] - Query for account by address
- auth - Querying commands for the auth module
- account [address] - Query for account by address
- accounts - Query all the accounts
- module-account [module-name] - Query module account info by module name
- params - Query the current auth parameters
- axelarnet - Querying commands for the axelarnet module
- ibc-transfer-count - returns the number of pending IBC transfers per chain
- bank - Querying commands for the bank module
- balances [address] - Query for account balances by address
- denom-metadata - Query the client metadata for coin denominations
- total - Query the total supply of coins of the chain
- block [height] - Get verified data for a the block at given height
- distribution - Querying commands for the distribution module
- commission [validator] - Query distribution validator commission
- community-pool - Query the amount of coins in the community pool
- params - Query distribution params
- rewards [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] - Query all distribution delegator rewards or rewards from a particular validator
- slashes [validator] [start-height] [end-height] - Query distribution validator slashes
- validator-outstanding-rewards [validator] - Query distribution outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for a validator and all their delegations
- evidence - Query for evidence by hash or for all (paginated) submitted evidence
- evm - Querying commands for the evm module
- address [chain] - Returns the EVM address
- batched-commands [chain] [batchedCommandsID] - Get the signed batched commands that can be wrapped in an EVM transaction to be executed in Axelar Gateway
- burner-info [deposit address] - Get information about a burner address
- bytecode [chain] [contract] - Fetch the bytecode of an EVM contract [contract] for chain [chain]
- chains - Return the supported EVM chains by status
- command [chain] [id] - Get information about an EVM gateway command given a chain and the command ID
- confirmation-height [chain] - Returns the minimum confirmation height for the given chain
- erc20-tokens [chain] - Returns the ERC20 tokens for the given chain
- event [chain] [event-id] - Returns an event for the given chain
- gateway-address [chain] - Query the Axelar Gateway contract address
- latest-batched-commands [chain] - Get the latest batched commands that can be wrapped in an EVM transaction to be executed in Axelar Gateway
- pending-commands [chain] - Get the list of commands not yet added to a batch
- token-address [chain] - Query a token address by by either symbol or asset
- token-info [chain] - Returns the info of token by either symbol, asset, or address
- feegrant - Querying commands for the feegrant module
- grant [granter] [grantee] - Query details of a single grant
- grants-by-grantee [grantee] - Query all grants of a grantee
- grants-by-granter [granter] - Query all grants by a granter
- gov - Querying commands for the governance module
- deposit [proposal-id] [depositer-addr] - Query details of a deposit
- deposits [proposal-id] - Query deposits on a proposal
- param [param-type] - Query the parameters (voting|tallying|deposit) of the governance process
- params - Query the parameters of the governance process
- proposal [proposal-id] - Query details of a single proposal
- proposals - Query proposals with optional filters
- proposer [proposal-id] - Query the proposer of a governance proposal
- tally [proposal-id] - Get the tally of a proposal vote
- vote [proposal-id] [voter-addr] - Query details of a single vote
- votes [proposal-id] - Query votes on a proposal
- ibc - Querying commands for the IBC module
- channel - IBC channel query subcommands
- channels - Query all channels
- client-state [port-id] [channel-id] - Query the client state associated with a channel
- connections [connection-id] - Query all channels associated with a connection
- end [port-id] [channel-id] - Query a channel end
- next-sequence-receive [port-id] [channel-id] - Query a next receive sequence
- packet-ack [port-id] [channel-id] [sequence] - Query a packet acknowledgement
- packet-commitment [port-id] [channel-id] [sequence] - Query a packet commitment
- packet-commitments [port-id] [channel-id] - Query all packet commitments associated with a channel
- packet-receipt [port-id] [channel-id] [sequence] - Query a packet receipt
- unreceived-acks [port-id] [channel-id] - Query all the unreceived acks associated with a channel
- unreceived-packets [port-id] [channel-id] - Query all the unreceived packets associated with a channel
- client - IBC client query subcommands
- consensus-state [client-id] [height] - Query the consensus state of a client at a given height
- consensus-state-heights [client-id] - Query the heights of all consensus states of a client.
- consensus-states [client-id] - Query all the consensus states of a client.
- header - Query the latest header of the running chain
- params - Query the current ibc client parameters
- self-consensus-state - Query the self consensus state for this chain
- state [client-id] - Query a client state
- states - Query all available light clients
- status [client-id] - Query client status
- connection - IBC connection query subcommands
- connections - Query all connections
- end [connection-id] - Query stored connection end
- path [client-id] - Query stored client connection paths
- channel - IBC channel query subcommands
- ibc-transfer - IBC fungible token transfer query subcommands
- denom-hash [trace] - Query the denom hash info from a given denom trace
- denom-trace [hash/denom] - Query the denom trace info from a given trace hash or ibc denom
- denom-traces - Query the trace info for all token denominations
- escrow-address - Get the escrow address for a channel
- params - Query the current ibc-transfer parameters
- mint - Querying commands for the minting module
- annual-provisions - Query the current minting annual provisions value
- inflation - Query the current minting inflation value
- params - Query the current minting parameters
- multisig - Querying commands for the multisig module
- key [key-id] - Returns the key of the given ID
- key-id [chain] - Returns the key ID assigned to a given chain
- keygen-session [key-id] - Returns the keygen session info for the given key ID
- next-key-id [chain] - Returns the key ID assigned for the next rotation on a given chain and for the given key role
- nexus - Querying commands for the nexus module
- assets [chain] - Returns the registered assets of a chain
- chain-by-asset [asset] - Returns the chains an asset is registered on
- chain-maintainers [chain] - Returns the chain maintainers for the given chain
- chain-state [chain] - Returns the chain state
- chains - Returns the registered chain names
- fee-info [chain] [asset] - Returns the per-chain fee for a registered asset
- latest-deposit-address [deposit chain] [recipient chain] [recipient address] - Query for account by address
- message [id] - Returns the cross-chain message with the given ID
- recipient-address [chain] [address] - Returns the recipient address corresponding to the given deposit address
- transfer-fee [source-chain] [destination-chain] [amount] - Returns the fee incurred on a cross-chain transfer
- transfer-rate-limit [chain] [asset] - Returns the transfer rate limit for a given chain and asset
- transfers-for-chain [chain] [state (pending|archived|insufficient_amount)] - Query for account by address
- params - Querying commands for the params module
- subspace [subspace] [key] - Query for raw parameters by subspace and key
- permission - Querying commands for the permission module
- governance-key - Returns the governance key
- slashing - Querying commands for the slashing module
- params - Query the current slashing parameters
- signing-info [validator-conspub] - Query a validator's signing information
- signing-infos - Query signing information of all validators
- snapshot - Querying commands for the snapshot module
- operator [proxy address] - Fetch the operator address associated with [proxy address]
- proxy [operator address] - Fetch the proxy address associated with [operator address] and status (active/inactive)
- staking - Querying commands for the staking module
- delegation [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] - Query a delegation based on address and validator address
- delegations [delegator-addr] - Query all delegations made by one delegator
- delegations-to [validator-addr] - Query all delegations made to one validator
- historical-info [height] - Query historical info at given height
- params - Query the current staking parameters information
- pool - Query the current staking pool values
- redelegation [delegator-addr] [src-validator-addr] [dst-validator-addr] - Query a redelegation record based on delegator and a source and destination validator address
- redelegations [delegator-addr] - Query all redelegations records for one delegator
- redelegations-from [validator-addr] - Query all outgoing redelegatations from a validator
- unbonding-delegation [delegator-addr] [validator-addr] - Query an unbonding-delegation record based on delegator and validator address
- unbonding-delegations [delegator-addr] - Query all unbonding-delegations records for one delegator
- unbonding-delegations-from [validator-addr] - Query all unbonding delegatations from a validator
- validator [validator-addr] - Query a validator
- validators - Query for all validators
- tendermint-validator-set [height] - Get the full tendermint validator set at given height
- tx --type=[hash|acc_seq|signature] [hash|acc_seq|signature] - Query for a transaction by hash, "/" combination or comma-separated signatures in a committed block
- txs - Query for paginated transactions that match a set of events
- upgrade - Querying commands for the upgrade module
- applied [upgrade-name] - block header for height at which a completed upgrade was applied
- module_versions [optional module_name] - get the list of module versions
- plan - get upgrade plan (if one exists)
- rollback - rollback cosmos-sdk and tendermint state by one height
- rosetta - spin up a rosetta server
- set-genesis-auth - Set the genesis parameters for the auth module
- set-genesis-chain-params evm [chain] - Set chain parameters in genesis.json
- set-genesis-crisis - Set the genesis parameters for the crisis module
- set-genesis-evm-contracts - Set the EVM's contract parameters in genesis.json
- set-genesis-gov - Set the genesis parameters for the governance module
- set-genesis-mint - Set the genesis parameters for the mint module
- set-genesis-reward - Set the genesis parameters for the reward module
- set-genesis-slashing - Set the genesis parameters for the slashing module
- set-genesis-snapshot - Set the genesis parameters for the snapshot module
- set-genesis-staking - Set the genesis parameters for the staking module
- set-genesis-vote - Set the genesis parameters for the vote module
- set-governance-key [threshold] [[pubKey]...] - Set the genesis multisig governance key for the axelar network
- start - Run the full node
- status - Query remote node for status
- tendermint - Tendermint subcommands
- reset-state - Remove all the data and WAL
- show-address - Shows this node's tendermint validator consensus address
- show-node-id - Show this node's ID
- show-validator - Show this node's tendermint validator info
- unsafe-reset-all - (unsafe) Remove all the data and WAL, reset this node's validator to genesis state
- version - Print tendermint libraries' version
- tx - Transactions subcommands
- axelarnet - axelarnet transactions subcommands
- add-cosmos-based-chain [name] [address prefix] [ibc path] [native asset]... - Add a new cosmos based chain
- call-contract [destination chain] [contract address] [hex encoded payload] - Call a contract on another chain
- confirm-deposit [denom] [burnerAddr] - Confirm a deposit to Axelar chain that sent given the asset denomination and the burner address
- execute-message [message ID] [payload] - Execute an approved general message to the destination chain
- execute-pending-transfers - Send all pending transfers to Axelar chain
- link [recipient chain] [recipient address] [asset] - Link a cross chain address to an Axelar address
- register-asset [chain] [denom] - Register a new asset to a cosmos based chain
- register-fee-collector [fee collector] - Register axelarnet fee collector account
- retry-ibc-transfer [chain] [transfer ID] - Retry a failed IBC transfer
- route-ibc-transfers - Routes pending transfers to cosmos chains
- bank - Bank transaction subcommands
- send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] - Send funds from one account to another. Note, the'--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [from_key_or_address]. When using '--dry-run' a key name cannot be used, only a bech32 address.
- broadcast [file_path] - Broadcast transactions generated offline
- crisis - Crisis transactions subcommands
- invariant-broken [module-name] [invariant-route] - Submit proof that an invariant broken to halt the chain
- decode [amino-byte-string] - Decode a binary encoded transaction string
- distribution - Distribution transactions subcommands
- fund-community-pool [amount] - Funds the community pool with the specified amount
- set-withdraw-addr [withdraw-addr] - change the default withdraw address for rewards associated with an address
- withdraw-all-rewards - withdraw all delegations rewards for a delegator
- withdraw-rewards [validator-addr] - Withdraw rewards from a given delegation address, and optionally withdraw validator commission if the delegation address given is a validator operator
- encode [file] - Encode transactions generated offline
- evidence - Evidence transaction subcommands
- evm - evm transactions subcommands
- add-chain [name] [chain config] - Add a new EVM chain
- confirm-erc20-deposit [chain] [txID] [burnerAddr] - Confirm ERC20 deposits in an EVM chain transaction to a burner address
- confirm-erc20-token [chain] [origin chain] [origin asset] [txID] - Confirm an ERC20 token deployment in an EVM chain transaction for a given asset of some origin chain and gateway address
- confirm-gateway-tx [chain] [txID] - Confirm a gateway transaction in an EVM chain
- confirm-transfer-operatorship [chain] [txID] - Confirm a transfer operatorship in an EVM chain transaction
- create-burn-tokens [chain] - Create burn commands for all confirmed token deposits in an EVM chain
- create-deploy-token [evm chain] [origin chain] [origin asset] [token name] [symbol] [decimals] [capacity] [dailyMintLimit] - Create a deploy token command with the AxelarGateway contract
- create-pending-transfers [chain] - Create commands for handling all pending transfers to an EVM chain
- link [chain] [recipient chain] [recipient address] [asset name] - Link a cross chain address to an EVM chain address created by Axelar
- retry-event [chain] [event ID] - Retry a failed event
- set-gateway [chain] [address] - Set the gateway address for the given evm chain
- sign-commands [chain] - Sign pending commands for an EVM chain contract
- transfer-operatorship [chain] [keyID] - Create transfer operatorship command for an EVM chain contract
- feegrant - Feegrant transactions subcommands
- grant [granter_key_or_address] [grantee] - Grant Fee allowance to an address
- revoke [granter] [grantee] - revoke fee-grant
- gov - Governance transactions subcommands
- deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] - Deposit tokens for an active proposal
- submit-proposal - Submit a proposal along with an initial deposit
- cancel-software-upgrade [flags] - Cancel the current software upgrade proposal
- community-pool-spend [proposal-file] - Submit a community pool spend proposal
- ibc-upgrade [name] [height] [path/to/upgraded_client_state.json] [flags] - Submit an IBC upgrade proposal
- param-change [proposal-file] - Submit a parameter change proposal
- software-upgrade [name] (--upgrade-height [height]) (--upgrade-info [info]) [flags] - Submit a software upgrade proposal
- update-client [subject-client-id] [substitute-client-id] - Submit an update IBC client proposal
- vote [proposal-id] [option] - Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain
- weighted-vote [proposal-id] [weighted-options] - Vote for an active proposal, options: yes/no/no_with_veto/abstain
- ibc - IBC transaction subcommands
- channel - IBC channel transaction subcommands
- client - IBC client transaction subcommands
- create [path/to/client_state.json] [path/to/consensus_state.json] - create new IBC client
- misbehaviour [path/to/misbehaviour.json] - submit a client misbehaviour
- update [client-id] [path/to/header.json] - update existing client with a header
- upgrade [client-identifier] [path/to/client_state.json] [path/to/consensus_state.json] [upgrade-client-proof] [upgrade-consensus-state-proof] - upgrade an IBC client
- ibc-transfer - IBC fungible token transfer transaction subcommands
- transfer [src-port] [src-channel] [receiver] [amount] - Transfer a fungible token through IBC
- multisig - multisig transactions subcommands
- keygen - sub-commands for keygen
- rotate [chain] [keyID] - Rotate the given chain to the given key
- multisign [file] [name] [[signature]...] - Generate multisig signatures for transactions generated offline
- multisign-batch [file] [name] [[signature-file]...] - Assemble multisig transactions in batch from batch signatures
- nexus - nexus transactions subcommands
- activate-chain [chain]... - activate the given chains
- deactivate-chain [chain]... - deactivate the given chains
- deregister-chain-maintainer [chain]... - deregister a validator as a chain maintainer for the given chains
- register-asset-fee [chain] [asset] [fee-rate] [min-fee] [max-fee] - register fees for an asset on a chain
- register-chain-maintainer [chain]... - register a validator as a chain maintainer for the given chains
- set-transfer-rate-limit [chain] [limit] [window] - set transfer rate limit for an asset on a chain
- permission - permission transactions subcommands
- deregister-controller [controller] - Deregister controller account
- register-controller [controller] - Register controller account
- update-governance-key [threshold] [[pubKey]...] - Update the multisig governance key for axelar network
- sign [file] - Sign a transaction generated offline
- sign-batch [file] - Sign transaction batch files
- slashing - Slashing transaction subcommands
- unjail - unjail validator previously jailed for downtime
- snapshot - snapshot transactions subcommands
- deactivate-proxy - Deactivate the proxy account of the sender
- register-proxy [proxy address] - Register a proxy account for a specific validator principal to broadcast transactions in its stead
- send-tokens [amount] [address 1] ... [address n] - Sends the specified amount of tokens to the designated addresses
- staking - Staking transaction subcommands
- create-validator - create new validator initialized with a self-delegation to it
- delegate [validator-addr] [amount] - Delegate liquid tokens to a validator
- edit-validator - edit an existing validator account
- redelegate [src-validator-addr] [dst-validator-addr] [amount] - Redelegate illiquid tokens from one validator to another
- unbond [validator-addr] [amount] - Unbond shares from a validator
- validate-signatures [file] - validate transactions signatures
- vesting - Vesting transaction subcommands
- create-vesting-account [to_address] [amount] [end_time] - Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens.
- vesting - Vesting transaction subcommands
- create-vesting-account [to_address] [amount] [end_time] - Create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens.
- axelarnet - axelarnet transactions subcommands
- vald-start -
- validate-genesis [file] - validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location passed as an arg
- version - Print the application binary version information