Spot order details
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Order ID | [optional] [readonly] |
text | str | User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below: 1. prefixed with `t-` 2. no longer than 28 bytes without `t-` prefix 3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.) | [optional] |
create_time | str | Creation time of order | [optional] [readonly] |
update_time | str | Last modification time of order | [optional] [readonly] |
create_time_ms | int | Creation time of order (in milliseconds) | [optional] [readonly] |
update_time_ms | int | Last modification time of order (in milliseconds) | [optional] [readonly] |
status | str | Order status - `open`: to be filled - `closed`: filled - `cancelled`: cancelled | [optional] [readonly] |
currency_pair | str | Currency pair | |
type | str | Order type. limit - limit order | [optional] [default to 'limit'] |
account | str | Account type. spot - use spot account; margin - use margin account; cross_margin - use cross margin account. Portfolio margin account must set to `cross-margin` | [optional] [default to 'spot'] |
side | str | Order side | |
amount | str | Trade amount | |
price | str | Order price | |
time_in_force | str | Time in force - gtc: GoodTillCancelled - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none | [optional] [default to 'gtc'] |
iceberg | str | Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Set to -1 to hide the order completely | [optional] |
auto_borrow | bool | Used in margin or cross margin trading to allow automatic loan of insufficient amount if balance is not enough. | [optional] |
auto_repay | bool | Enable or disable automatic repayment for automatic borrow loan generated by cross margin order. Default is disabled. Note that: 1. This field is only effective for cross margin orders. Margin account does not support setting auto repayment for orders. 2. `auto_borrow` and `auto_repay` cannot be both set to true in one order. | [optional] |
left | str | Amount left to fill | [optional] [readonly] |
fill_price | str | Total filled in quote currency. Deprecated in favor of `filled_total` | [optional] [readonly] |
filled_total | str | Total filled in quote currency | [optional] [readonly] |
fee | str | Fee deducted | [optional] [readonly] |
fee_currency | str | Fee currency unit | [optional] [readonly] |
point_fee | str | Points used to deduct fee | [optional] [readonly] |
gt_fee | str | GT used to deduct fee | [optional] [readonly] |
gt_discount | bool | Whether GT fee discount is used | [optional] [readonly] |
rebated_fee | str | Rebated fee | [optional] [readonly] |
rebated_fee_currency | str | Rebated fee currency unit | [optional] [readonly] |