Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Trade ID | [optional] |
create_time | str | Trading time | [optional] |
create_time_ms | str | Trading time, with millisecond precision | [optional] |
currency_pair | str | Currency pair | [optional] |
side | str | Order side | [optional] |
role | str | Trade role. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |
amount | str | Trade amount | [optional] |
price | str | Order price | [optional] |
order_id | str | Related order ID. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |
fee | str | Fee deducted. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |
fee_currency | str | Fee currency unit. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |
point_fee | str | Points used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |
gt_fee | str | GT used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints | [optional] |